
来源: xsing 2005-08-11 00:09:36 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (7204 bytes)
花间游记 2 (狮城篇)
文章来源: 箫勃昂 于 2002-3-6 0:51:00:

篇前语:当时答应和各位兄弟分享自己如何可以既免费又可以享受赏百花的经验(新加坡经验),的确充满了兴趣。但到了后来,因受到”华山派”等卫道之士的一桶又一桶的冷水,小弟已经是有点意气澜珊了。不过今天既然又得到 drtz 前辈的大力支持,后进我决定重新振作,把自己一些不值一提的经验贴出来公诸同好。

The quest for publishing my story on this BBS has been a long one indeed! There are a number of people who I owe my thanks to. I can only hope that I remember everyone. To those whom I egregiously forgot, I apologize, and thank you now. First of all I would like to thank 帐篷, our moderator at 人在狮城, for his moral support. I would also like to thank drtz, 感想一二,老帐篷,william123,weishime, 例行和渣人 for encouraging me to continue my story. Finally, thanks xsing and wolf who have provided destructive criticisms which have certainly raised the standard of my work.


第一次认识Sandra的地方是在 CHIJMES的Father Flanagan's Partner Bar,那是一个Irish Bar来的(CHIJMES 30, Victoria Street)。晚上寂寞难耐想找人谈心但又不喜欢DISCO那种吵杂音乐的朋友,这里是个好去处。Sandra 是法国和中国混血儿(monther is French and father is Chinese). She had a very sensual, yet classy look. 一种在年轻女孩身上找不到的东西。她是一个很有韵味的女人,年纪是大了一点,但是从外表看也只有30来岁啦(后来才知道她有35岁了)。有些朋友可能这时又要义正词严地说我卑鄙下流无耻贱格了,因为我竟然会对老女人有兴趣。其实,老女人比年轻的更高难度。Sandra给我的那种resemblance to Ines Sastre 的感觉raised my soul. Her shiny black hair and beautiful warm brown eyes captured my attention and 她的美丽是很captivating。我坐在BAR中靠window的a small table. There're many different people around in bar, but the only thing that was racing through my mind is how I'd approach this成熟的女人。不幸的是我一直都找不到一点body language (buying signals) or eye contact from her which I always require before appraoching the presence of a target.Without the buying signals, my usual moves would never work in such a situation.I need a different plan before making any moves.这时我只有use my instincts。I carefully analysed the situation. I must find a solution that would allow Sandra to open up to my presence. (1)Would a 成熟美丽的女人,such as Sandra be interested in me and want to be seduced by a young man like me? 开始的时候她应该不用害怕我想利用她(for sex)吧?其实我应该更担心她会利用我(for sex)才对呀!我可比她年轻。而且I'm quite good looking, have a chiseled physique, a sophisticated style, and a vibrant personality filled with virility(嘻嘻)。(2)Sure
I have all the physical qualities多数女人desire bu I still had to deal with the age difference: a very big obstacle. 多数女人assume that a younger man is never mature enough to hold an intellectual conversation. 多数女人相信男人就象酒一样; only as the years pass, can a man become more pleasant to 'drink'. (now you understand what I mean by it is harder to seduce an older woman la). (3)女人的需要其实都很similar的,尤其是象Sandra这种年龄的女人。Most importantly, 她们很希望自己还是很attractive的,至少她们都希望自己还有那种allure to make men fall to their knees.

为了可以很成功地approach Sandra并可以保持她对我的兴趣,和有足够的时间来令她想make love to me, 我必须想办法打破僵局和她保持 a stimulating conversation. 我才用了一种跟泡小妞完全不同的方法。那就是我一开始就没说一大堆的好话。
我不想让她把我看成一个小男孩在向他要糖. 我走向她,坐了下来,用很温柔的眼神看着她的眼睛(不是她的breasts。记住一开始不能这样,女孩会反感的。), 我要让我的眼睛去告诉她how much I desired to smell her skin and feel her touch my body. **为了让大家学学如何开始谈话,我把当时的谈话回忆一下**
我告诉她: Hi, I couldn't help but notice that you've been alone for the past twenty minutes, so I thought I'd join you for a drink. Sandra说:Oh, why thank you, that's very nice of you. 我告诉她:So, what name do yu belong to, if you don't mind me asking? 她told me her name. 我告诉她: Sandra? "Alessandra". That means "defender of mankind" in Latin, a very classy name, I'm sure it represents your character very nicely. Sandra被我弄的哭笑不得,她说:Sure, I'll protect you. 我告诉她: Well, Sandra, how would you like to offer me a drink? (here, when appraoching a mature woman, you have to ue a completely differetn strategy!)
Sandra: Sure, I've never been asked that before. What will you have?
我告诉她: I'll have a dark rum and coke (注意!千万不要order a beer). Sandra叫来了waitress: One rum and coke with dark rum, and one vodka cranberry please. 说完后她又继续看着我(she looks right back into my eyes). 她问我: By the way, what is your name? 我告诉她: XXXXX.
Sandra: That's a very sexy name. I've always loved the name XXXXX.
就在我们等酒来的时候,我拿出了一包Dunhill Light(这种烟在新不易找,但是是我的秘密武器之一。吸烟的女士一般都喜欢这种烟。),给了一支她。我问她为何alone.她告诉我她先生到外国公干了,经常去,一去就是几个星期。她告诉我留在家里很闷。我有问她为何象她那么漂亮的女人会整晚都没人陪。她说:I imtimidate most meneither they think I'm married, or they're just too shy to approach me. Usually those that do are much younger, and that doesn't really interest me. 我说:REALLY? How old are you? 她叫我猜。
我说:I'd say around twenty-eight (yeah right. 这就叫谈话技巧了。不能把真话都说了).她笑着说:Oh, that's very sweet of you! 我其实35了。我假装吃惊地说:叫我猜还真猜不到。那你为何不喜欢younger men?(哈哈!学会反客为主了吧!) Sandra说: I don't think they're sexually mature. By the way, how old are you?. 我: I'm XX. Sandra说: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. 我: It's quite all right, you didn't offend me at all. However, you managed to arouse a curious challenge within me. Sandra说: Really, what kind of a challenge? 我: Ah, I can't tell you, unless you manage to keep my interest level high for the rest of the night.?(哈哈!又教一招反客为主给你们!) 。我们就这样有七无八地聊着。总之我整晚都令这位成熟的女人feel like a young girl all over again.渐渐地她的身子越lean越进,手也放到我的臂弯里去了。
我可以感觉到chemistry between us了, 而她的眼睛就好像在求我kiss her. 我 leaned forward,就在我要nibble on her upper lip,我突然坐回然后说:对不起!很晚了,很谢谢你和我聊了一个晚上。我怕你一个人太晚回家会危险。我们可以交换电话吗?我真的很想再找你出来聊。(这招以退为进厉害吧!我很confident地知道Sandra一定会邀请我到她家的。不然她准睡不着。) 果然不出所料exactly as what I hoped for,她说:listen XXX, why don't you come back to my place for a glass of wine? 我假假地说:it sounds like a good idea but I have an early day tomorrow." (我知道我这样说她一定会很surprised and impressed.我就是要故意让她有一种挑战的感觉)。 我告诉她我可以用我的车送她回家的。




真累!人写的吗?用一种文字不可以? -花王- 给 花王 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/11/2005 postreply 00:18:08



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