The caffeine

来源: Summer她爹 2005-08-09 10:49:55 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1444 bytes)
Most people agree that pregnant women should cut caffeine out of their diets. But current research has shown that a moderate intake of caffeine won't do any harm to developing fetus. Moderate intake would equal approximately 3 cups of coffee per day (300-400mg of caffeine). Of course, you can't forget to count the hidden caffeine in soft drinks and some over-the-counter medications.

High caffeine intake during pregnancy will create an addiction in your child and force them to suffer withdrawal symptoms once they are born. Some studies have also shown a higher rate of miscarriage and low birth weight babies when the mother has had more than the 'moderate' amount of caffeine mentioned above.

Herbal teas are a safer haven, with respect to caffeine intake. But not all herbs should be consumed while pregnant. Herbs such as ephedra, mugwort, and cohosh should be avoided. Here is a full list of herbs to avoid. Stick to safer herbs such as mint, chamomile, or fruit teas.

So the expert's advice would be to try and cut your coffee or tea intake to no more than one or two cups a day. Removing all caffeine would be the safest route, but don't stress yourself over it if you feel you just have to have a cup to get going in the mornings.


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