Windermere or Pelion Hut

回答: 回复:在塔斯马尼亚观魔鬼dztang2004-06-24 12:03:54

Nice to know you trekked Cradle-Mountain and Lake St Clair too.

It's 5 years ago. I don't recall the name of the hut.
It's the 2nd or 3rd night on the trail, either Windermere or Pelion(sp?) hut. Many of us went to bed earlier, some peole were chatting outside the hut, they saw a "devil", we all got up, and watched him searching for food, interesting, all the animals there are not afraid of human at all. I saw possom, echidna, wombat, and tasmania devil.

It's a long story: very bad rain on the first night in Cradle Mountain trailhead, the only night I camped, I couldn't get out my tent for more then 20 minutes, the possoms are everywhere, once you leave, they would try to sneak in. I was almost holding my pack all night long inside the tent.

I twisted my angle very badly in the middle point, put leeches on my angle just like the traditional chinese medicine treatment, they sucked the blood out very efficiently, the trekkers were very curious. The next day, you can tell the big difference on the places with and w/o "treatment", the swelling was all gone with leech treatment.

I saw a giant snake on the beds inside a hut, very nice sun-bath. The snake left immediately once I entered, I left too and moved to the next one. Some other people, later comers, slept in that hut that night.

The stories from the trekkers are fascinating: one showed the snake-bite mark on their boots, the other said, he put some to-be-washed dish outside the hut, 20 minutes later, it's all clean, licked by the animals:-)

It's a trip to be remembered...
