回复:Palestians exist but they do

来源: thrawn 2004-05-13 12:51:51 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1257 bytes)
Chinese do exists, one in PRC and one in ROC. DDP leader did say 2 China before then both side is Chinese.

1949 is when KMT retreat back to Taiwan so they brought over all their customs they had on mainland and maintain their old government. Other parts of China was occupied by the CCP which declare a country PRC. So the natives CHinese lived on Taiwan before KMT came and the KMT CHinese who moved to Taiwan become one people on that day. The government back then didn't say anything about 2 separate countries right? Why then suddenly after DDP in power, they changed it?

Of course CCP is a dicatorship which is also bad, but Taiwans road on democracy makes me worry it can become a dicatorship too. Hitler's slogan before was not against Jews yet, so even Jews voted for him to become Germany's prime minister. DDP in the beginning is like that, under the pretense of of Taiwan identiy, they want to eliminate the KMT eventually. I think CCP's slogan before is bad as well but when I look at a democratic Taiwan's DDP also saying the same slogan, I feel really worried. I thought DDP is better than CCP before but apparently they are using the same strategy as CCP and Hitler, etc... to brainwash their own people. Very sad indeed.


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