
来源: re8888 2012-12-10 08:58:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7072 bytes)


最近刚刚帮一位客户成功地完成了一个Probate Sale 的实例, 颇有心得。现以日记的形式向大家分享。

大家知道, 目前湾区的房子是抢得非常厉害的, 到处都在疯狂加价,杀价是几乎不可能,一切以拿到房子为大, 而且往往卖家连counter的机会都不给的, 人人只有一颗子弹,一次机会。这个房子开价56万, 我给客户做了市场分析后认为这个房子市价应该是在62~63万之间, 所以先出价62万,但是down payment放30%以上,5天remove contingency, 14 天close。 结果在8个offers 中一举胜出。
请看listing agent email:


I would like to congratulate you. My seller accepted your offer today for ### Drive.

I would like to let you know we had 8 offers.  Two cash and the other financing.


The top financing offers were 610, 615 and 620, 620. Yours won by price, down payment and short contingency period.”

我知道probate sale至少要30天左右close, 所以在offer里故意放5天
remove all contingencies,14天 close。 这样就把我们的offer outstanding了。
Seller 签了我们的offer后, listing agent 特别打电话和我confirm: "Is it any reason
you guys have to close the sale within 14 days? Is it OK for 30 days?", "Yes
, we offer quick close is just to make our offer strong", "Oh, OK. You got
it. Here is seller signed contract". “Thank you!”


Day 1:

今天和broker, loan agent, listing agent worked了大半天。心得如下:
For probate purchase, first and most important thing you have to know is
whether the sale needs court confirmation or not and how long seller shall
wait for the court hearing. Thus, loan agent can figure out how many days
they have to lock the rate (45 days or 60 days)

IF it needs court confirmation, buyer have to make everything ready and
remove ALL contingencies before court hearing. Court confirmation is one way
decision. Which means once court approve the sale, buyer can't back out OR
will lose 3% deposit BECAUSE court hearing is a big charge to the seller and
they can't afford having another court.

Also, buyer's all offer terms will be open to the public during the hearing,
price, down payment, days to close  and whether it has other contingencies
or not. If someone overbid you, you will lose the contract. Overbid 的最低银
码是5% above +$500. So the buyer is better to appear on the court to protect
their position.

Court can approve sale的min price 是90% court appraisal value or contract
price whichever highest. 所以, probate sale的listing price不能挂得太高 (
buyer overbid 上去is OK), 否则,court 会说你是用这样的方法故意拖延sale。因
为probate sale 的目的就是要尽快把房子卖掉。

IF it no needs court confirmation, then, you have to figure out how many
child(ren), including their spouses, have to sign, the more people they
have to sign, the more complex to get all parties agree upon. Either one
can call for canceling the sale. So there will be some uncertainty there.

Day 2:
今天是星期日,下午做了Home Inspection。 报告应当2天后出来。同时在property 遇
见seller’s heirs 大女儿,女婿正在做最后的打扫,清理。大女儿是 will executor。 所以合同也是她签的。

Day 3:
今天是星期一,loan agent一早就submit的loan。 并且order了rush appraisal。
Listing agent 打了各自lawyer 的电话。Lawyer 说 actually min overbid 是10%。
Which makes it unlikely. 事实上最可能的黑马恰恰是heirs本身。这是当如果合同价
太低,heirs出来把房子bid回去, 以保护自身的利益。

Day 4:
今天是星期二, Election Day。 Nothing update。

Day 5:
今天是星期三, Appraiser came for inspection. Home Inspection报告出来。
There are tons of $50, $100 repair items. But no $1,000 repair item.

Day 6:
今天是星期四, Got some disclosure reports, including termite inspection
report, from the seller, 大女儿. But, most are exempted.

Day 7:
今天是星期五, Got conditional approval from the lender. Listing agent confirmed 不需要court hearing。 Lawyer's Notice of Proposed Action letter (for the probate sale clearance) was out this afternoon.

Day 8:
今天是星期六,在loan agent的点头下, remove all contingencies even borrower  haven
't got final approval yet。

Day 9~23:
此处省略若干日。No major progress. Just waiting lawyer's Notice of Proposed
Action letter 15 days waiting period elapse.
Loan agent was helping borrower to clear all loan conditions. Buyer called a couple of
contractors for remodel / upgrade quotation. Happy Thanksgiving holiday.

在请装修师傅估价时, 有一位说,他除了做装修外, 也可以做贷款。Interesting! 装修师傅也能办贷款?拿什么做collateral 呢? 仔细一想有道理。因为装修师傅可以file  mechanic's lien. 而且这个lien的地位比mortgage 还高。 3万, 5万的装修费你可以1年, 2年后才付, 当然价格就上去5%, 10%了。 不就是贷款你3万, 5万吗? 老中赚钱真有门道啊。

Day 24:
今天是星期一, 按老规矩, 我总是先试着把我给客人的rebate用来减房价。Listing
agent said:  "It is OK. That makes sense." 几个小时后,马上改口说: “ Sorry
, just talked to the attorney, since Notice of Proposed Action letter was
out already, we can't change the price. Otherwise it has to re-run again.

所以probate sale 和short sale 类似, 只是婆婆由银行改成了 court 或者attorney。

Day 25:
今天是星期二,lawyer got all heirs Consents to the Notice of Proposed Action
back. Loan agent ordered the doc.

Day 26:
今天是星期三,loan agent 一大早就催了lender3次, loan doc就是出不来。马上打
AE手机, 原来情况是这样的:做GFE时,为了留有余地,一般loan agent都会把
interest rate订高0.125%的, 3个星期下来, 一方面, rate drifted down a
little bit, 同时我们everything is ready and all PTD / PTF are cleared out.
所以我们只要 lock 15天就可以了。 这样rate 低了0.375%, per lender guideline
, GFE 要重做,又要等3days。 不懂,低0.375%不是 benefit buyer吗, 为啥又要等

Day 27~ 30:
Nothing progress。Just waiting that 3 days, weekend。

Day 31:
今天是星期一。 Loan doc 终于出来了。

Day 32:
今天是星期二。双方签字。Buyer当场交down payment。

Day 31:
今天是星期三。 Lender review the doc.

Day 32:
今天是星期四。 Lender fund the loan。

Day 33:
今天是星期五。Sale is closed。 Transaction became a public record. Seller (heirs)分了钱各自开始度假。

预祝各位圣诞, 新年快乐!


自住还是投资? -偶尔到此一游- 给 偶尔到此一游 发送悄悄话 偶尔到此一游 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 09:08:13

我客户买的是自住房, -re8888- 给 re8888 发送悄悄话 re8888 的博客首页 (91 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 11:49:50

if two names on title (H& -jjj7- 给 jjj7 发送悄悄话 jjj7 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 10:24:36

回复:if two names on title (H&W) -jjj7- 给 jjj7 发送悄悄话 jjj7 的博客首页 (57 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 10:25:19

不需要, -re8888- 给 re8888 发送悄悄话 re8888 的博客首页 (41 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 11:53:39

Congratulations! RE8888 bro. -古石- 给 古石 发送悄悄话 古石 的博客首页 (95 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 10:46:33

谢谢古石兄, -re8888- 给 re8888 发送悄悄话 re8888 的博客首页 (37 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 11:55:38

祝贺买房成功! -申巷九- 给 申巷九 发送悄悄话 申巷九 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 11:25:40

谢谢关注! -re8888- 给 re8888 发送悄悄话 re8888 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2012 postreply 11:56:30



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