7. Not taking action if your landlord breaks the law. When few apartments are available, some landlords believe they can get away with letting repairs go, allowing unsafe conditions to persist, or increasing rent more than local regulations may allow. Most often, they count on their tenants being ignorant of the law. “Tenants give up rights and fail to assert rights all the time” because they don’t know what they’re entitled to, says tenant lawyer Feinberg. Don’t be one of them. Local governments and nonprofits often have booklets and online materials to educate you on the basics, and there’s alsolawhelp.org, which has links to legal information on tenant rights in all fifty states. Or check your phone directory for government agencies whose names mention housing, consumer affairs, or tenants. The best landlords know the law and follow it. Those who don’t shouldn’t be able to count on your ignorance.

8. Passing up possible renter tax benefits. When landlords pay local property taxes, they usually pass on part or all of the cost to their tenants in the form of higher rent. But they also benefit from the road, school, and sanitation improvements that those taxes pay for. Some states – California, Missouri, and Maryland, for example – have tried to correct this by providing a tax credit to renters. Contact your state tax department to see if yours does too.

9. Eliminating rental prospects based on square footage alone. A great layout can make an apartment with less square footage feel bigger than one with more, says New York City real estate agent Brad Malow. He recently showed a 750-square-foot apartment that felt tiny because it included a long hallway that served no function, while a smaller 600-square-foot unit seemed spacious because it had an open layout. “Renters miss opportunities because they merely are looking at numbers on a page,” Malow says.

10. Not taking your roommate to appointments. Finding a place can consume hours, days or even weeks, and it’s tempting to save time by splitting up visits to prospective apartments with your roommate or significant other. But in group or couple situations, Malow says it’s a waste of time not to have all parties at the first appointment. In a hot rental market, by the time you get the second person to look at the apartment, it’s already gone.