let me know what do you get from the article

来源: longterminvestor 2010-09-02 14:03:34 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (449 bytes)
回答: Since you are a fan of fool.com越王剑2010-09-02 10:37:16
I will just say, 1. ATPG is not competing with any company, it is a commodity producer, what is more important is oil price. 2. ATPG is doing a huge development project, margin does not have much meaning on it. To give u an extreme example (may not be appropriate).

All financial data are there to help us to understand a company, or a story, that is the purpose. Not backwards: take a company and try to fit it into some theory or prototype.


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