
来源: 码头工 2018-04-15 20:01:08 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (564 bytes)
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俺将第一次写广告招租,我问了一个问题后经纪回复我:We can get access to the empty apartment once you have inspection and deposit in. I’ll get it set up with permission from her. I’ll have to be thete but we can organize something too soon yet !! 


You will have it rented by closing date 10x over. It will rent easy. Pretty sure. 

Hi. We will have access to both the owners unit and upstairs to show potiental renters once inspection and deposit are in. 


不知道招来什么人,前途未卜。穷山恶水,四月了还冷的人一鼻子灰 -码头工- 给 码头工 发送悄悄话 码头工 的博客首页 (62 bytes) () 04/15/2018 postreply 20:11:52

