对长期投资的一些思考 - 十一

来源: 股市小书生 2016-08-30 10:35:45 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2101 bytes)
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回答: 对长期投资的一些思考 - 十股市小书生2016-08-27 09:15:49


     1996     2016

RY   0.0775 - 0.83

TD   0.0625 - 0.55

BNS  0.0775 - 0.74

多轮多房价指数 (1998,7)68.36, (2016,7)199.22

Average and Median Total Family Income by Province, 1996

Ontario Average 62,614 Median 54,958




During the peak of the bubble the borrowing cost started increasing and the 5 year fixed mortgage reached 12.7%. Coupled with the early 90s recession, a spike in unemployment and a drop in the inflow of immigrants to the area, housing prices in the GTA collapsed. Between 1989 and 1996 average price of a house in GTA have declined by 40% adjusted for inflation or $182,625 in today's money. Downtown of Toronto was hit the worst with over 50% decline in value of a home.


To be or not to be-that is the question.


对长期投资的一些思考 - 十二 -股市小书生- 给 股市小书生 发送悄悄话 股市小书生 的博客首页 (6443 bytes) () 09/01/2016 postreply 07:35:33

对长期投资的一些思考 - 十三 -股市小书生- 给 股市小书生 发送悄悄话 股市小书生 的博客首页 (4345 bytes) () 09/15/2016 postreply 08:23:11
