什么是好照片 (如有不妥, 请班长删帖)

来源: 两由之 2016-12-18 08:43:49 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (13295 bytes)
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最近坛里出了幺蛾子,一堆不堪入目的片片还美其名说 powerful,并且反问,什么是坏照片?我不是大师, 只是一个喜欢摄影的人。简单地讲,我喜欢唯美的片片;更简单地说,欣赏初学者的片片,你给拍清楚就好。要求更高一点,你的片片有一个主题。我估计很多摄影人和我一样,不会喜欢在昏暗的灯下,拍一张胸口犹如涂了淤泥一样没有头的人物像,胸口挂着一个坠子。也不会喜欢断胳膊少腿的人像摄影。我想,每个玩摄影的人,心头都有一个尺牍,去捉捕美 (而不是丑),也是一个欣赏美的尺牍。现在手机很普遍,人人每天都可以拍出百十张片片来,要是都发到摄坛来,摄坛就变成一个垃圾场了。其实,这大概也是很多摄坛大咖很久不来的原因。


一幅好的人物照带给我们的感受是什么?是情绪。 人物摄影, 有别于其他种类的作品,多多少少都体现了人的主观情绪。所以,当我们看到一幅人物摄影作品,瞬间被揪心的不是多么高超的技巧,是带给我们情绪上的冲击。没错,就是情绪,一副作品带给人最高的震撼。无论是作者本身想表达出来的情感,还是作品本身能够引起你的情感,这样的作品,都是出彩的。在这里,眼神是十分重要,它是表现被摄人物内心世界的窗口,也会渲染摄影人的爱恨情仇。


摄影,与机器镜头关系不是太大,更重要的是 viewfinder 后面那颗脑袋。 

如果你热爱摄影,相信你一定听过迈克尔·弗里曼(Michael Freeman。在他40余年的摄影生涯中,出版了20余部高质量摄影技法书籍,长居国际亚马逊摄影类畅销书前10。 作为国际顶尖摄影师,他为多家国际杂志出版社供稿,有《时代:生活图书》、《德国国家地理》等,并且是《美国摄影地区新闻》的长期供稿人。





What Makes a Good Photograph

Good may sound sloppily vague as a generalization, but it means something useful to each one of us. And, of course, it means being way above mediocre, or even ordinary. By that definition, most photographs are not particularly good. This doesn’t sit well with many people these days, because everyone wants to be liked and criticism is increasingly seen as impolite and unnecessary. This is nonsense, of course, and I’m not going to indulge it here. Excellence is the result of ability, skill and (usually) hard work.


  1. Is Skilfully Put Together:There is a long list of image qualities which are seen by most people to be technically and conceptually correct. They include, for example, sharp focus on the main subject, a median exposure that covers the dynamic range, a composition that most people will find generally satisfying, and even a choice of subject that seems worthwhile. These and many more are basic photographic skills, not to be lightly dismissed, and there are strong arguments for mastering them all. If the image needs them, they have to be there. But a good photograph may deliberately dismiss many of them – for a reason. There is a big difference between messing up the focus through ignorance or by mistake, and de-focusing for deliberate effect. What counts is first knowing how composition, lighting and so on work. Photographers who master these can then play with them. Part of this is skilful process, or you could say craftsmanship, and it tends to be at its most evident in print and display. Anything well-crafted attracts admiration just for that alone, and this is as true for photography as it is for any other art. Not every part of the process may show through in the final image, and it may take another photographer to appreciate fully what went into its making, but usually and to most people there is a sense of the skill involved. Traditionalists not only hold this very high, but make it essential. More experimental photographers may subvert it. But no one serious actually ignores it.


  1. Provokes a Reaction Above all:a good photograph is visually stimulating, and so gets an interested reaction from its audience. Maybe not from everyone, but from enough people to show that the image is engaging attention. If our immediate reaction is “I’ve seen it all before,” then it’s a failure. That may be a brutal assessment, and it may not matter at all in many kinds of commercial photography, where a packshot is a packshot, and a tropical beach resort needs to prove only that it’s located on a beach with palm trees and blue skies, but if we’re talking about “good,” then the standards have to be higher than ordinary. Photographers want their images to be looked at, paid attention to, talked about. That is going to happen only if the image prods its audience, gives the viewer something to think about. But for photography that aims to be in some way creative, problems begin when we try to secondguess the audience. Being too aware of how other people are likely to respond to a photograph can lead down a sterile path, towards images that are too calculated, trying too obviously to please. One of the last things I want when I show someone one of my photographs is for them to think it panders to their taste, because that makes me look like a salesman. All art has this in common, and it raised a well-worn debate about what makes a work of art – the intention of the artist or the judgment of the audience. The audience for photography wants, among other things, to see something afresh through the imaginative eyes of a particular photographer. Most people feel cheated, however, if they suspect that the photographer is simply trying to please them.


  1. Offers more than One Layer of Experience:A good photograph delivers to the viewer more than just the immediate, obvious image. It works on more than one level. Take, for example… Romano Cagnoni’s striking black-and-white of Ibo recruits in Nigeria…. The graphics are immediately powerful – a mass of shining faces and torsos connected above to a line of figures in profile. Then there is the textural richness from the printing. It is also optically unusual, and we are quickly aware of an extreme compression – it was indeed shot with a very long focal length from an elevated viewpoint. Another layer in, and there is much to discover, different expressions on each face. Look, for instance, at the seemingly paler face at the far left near the back of the main group, turned away and down, mouth open. What is this young man thinking? This leads us further down into the layer of context – what is happening here? This is recruitment for soldiers during the Biafran war, and as such, a rich historical document. In other words, looking at a good photograph gives a layered experience. Among the arts, photography actually has a head start in this, because it contains a built-in paradox with regard to reality. A photograph is of life and also divorced from it, both at the same time. From a creative point of view, this offers good potential for any photographer who cares to make use of it. There are already two frames of reference waiting to be shown and exploited. But it needs work; it needs to be recognized.


  1. Has its Context in Photography:A good photograph is taken with an understanding of the range of imagery already out there for public view. This is dangerous ground when it gets close to pandering to an audience, as just mentioned, but photography is so embedded in the present, and so much a part of everyone’s daily visual diet, that it can’t help but have a cultural context. Photography is by nature contemporary, and most people like it that way, dealing with the here and now. Nineteenth-century photography really does belong in the nineteenth-century – fascinating and valuable, but not part of the present. An experienced photographer knows where his or her imagery fits into the context of others. Some photographers strive to be like others, or at least to head in the same direction. Others strive for the opposite – to distance themselves from certain others. All of them, however, realize that their work is likely to be judged in a wider context. Anyone who chooses still-life photography, for example, and believes they have something worthwhile to bring to the genre, cannot escape the legacy of figures like Outerbridge and Penn.


  1. Contains an Idea:This doesn’t have to be complicated or obscure, but any real work of art has some depth of thought. In a photograph, it may be a way of composing on the surface, or perhaps a more intellectual idea deeper down. It may even surprise the photographer looking through the edit later, but there still needs to be something that catches the imagination. In fact, it is all the more important in photography, given that photographs can be made without any thought whatsoever. But of course, there’s a lot of published imagery out there that seems full of cliché – idealess – and yet apparently successful. Where does this fit in? Success in photography, as in any other art, can come by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Many photographs that are simply successful are also seen by some as being irritatingly shallow. We don’t need to upset anyone by pointing to particular examples; it’s sufficient to see some of what sells as stock photography through agencies. This is not to say that a photograph like this is easy to take, as the art directors and photographers who do this for a living will rightly point out. But they tend to be compromised on ideas.


  1. Doesn’t Imitate:There is a long-held view that each art should concentrate on what it does best, and not try to imitate others. The influential American art critic Clement Greenberg, for instance, wrote that “the unique and proper area of competence of each art” lay within what “was unique in the nature of its medium.” It should not borrow from others, and in this way would “purify” itself. He was writing about Modernist painting, but the same applies perfectly to photography. So, a good photograph does not attempt to mimic other art forms, at least not without irony. Rather, it explores and exploits its own medium, and this means having a clear idea of what photography is good at. The German writer and critic Siegfried Kracauer wrote, “Generally speaking, photographs stand a chance of being beautiful to the extent that they comply with the photographic approach… Pictures extending our vision are not only gratifying as camera revelations but appeal to us aesthetically also.” More than this, a good photograph does not imitate others, in as much as any image can be completely new. Thus, documenting is something at which photography is exceptional, and this leads to one approach that emphasizes clarity, objectivity and calm, cool eye, without involving personal expression. The Paris photography of Eugene Atget, the social documentary portraits of August Sander, and the drab landscapes of Robert Adams follow this route. A large part of their appeal is that they are “sensitive and technically impeccable readings” (Siegfried Kracauer again). Reportage with expression, capturing especially evocative moments, is another approach that also relies on the uniqueness of the medium, as in the work of much of the Magnum cooperative. Another aspect of the medium is the specific optical characteristics in photography, such as flare, differential focus, motion blur, reflections and projections like shadow and caustics, which all offer rich possibilities for exploration, partly because they are so easily captured by the camera, and partly because they have an illusory quality parallel to photographs themselves.


及时雨, 我问过几次能否量化一下评片的标准, 诗人这篇作品为我量身定制一般 -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 08:52:05

如果你是针对我下面的问题说的话,我其实并没有针对坛里的任何片子,只是提个笼统的问题罢了。不过可能是打扰你们了,那么抱歉了 -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (122 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 08:52:06

等晚上细读! 先点赞!我只希望坛子里都是认真学摄影的, 新手差片没关系, 但对摄影要有个敬重的态度。 -墨彩- 给 墨彩 发送悄悄话 墨彩 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:02:10

X2 -双城故事- 给 双城故事 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:52:06

阅。同意! -naturepassion- 给 naturepassion 发送悄悄话 naturepassion 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:07:05

才不是这么回事呢!给你们看看 -咪呜- 给 咪呜 发送悄悄话 咪呜 的博客首页 (2471 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:08:01

也许 -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (583 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:40:14

我在跟帖里给了官网,去看看他们的官网吧。里面有展览的照片。我今天要等着看,多少人会怎么说。。。 -咪呜- 给 咪呜 发送悄悄话 咪呜 的博客首页 (327 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:49:23

说到眼神,伦勃朗的自画像眼神是深邃有内容直视心灵的,这种情绪上的感染力在摄影中也触类旁通。 -猫狗大战- 给 猫狗大战 发送悄悄话 猫狗大战 的博客首页 (50 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:13:01

这不仅仅是个好片的问题,更是涉及到美与丑的美学问题。普通一点讲,有被普罗大众广泛接受的共同认知。复杂一点讲,这终究是个哲学问题。 -silencehrt- 给 silencehrt 发送悄悄话 silencehrt 的博客首页 (729 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:13:17

这个就是审美中的主观性难以调和的原因,其实不仅摄影,其他类别的表现形式也有这个问题。 -猫狗大战- 给 猫狗大战 发送悄悄话 猫狗大战 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:15:45

据说人类初始一场瘟疫差不多都灭绝,只剩下一群傻子和他, -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (122 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 09:19:43

后面那段有思想,但开头几句也有点过了。这里是摄影沙龙,应该容纳各种类型新人。应该鼓励朦朦跌跌想入门的新人。 -pictureart- 给 pictureart 发送悄悄话 pictureart 的博客首页 (200 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:01:20

说得对, 我也不希望摄坛变成一个垃圾场。 当然, 更不喜欢别有用心成心往这儿仍垃圾的人。 -嘉崚子- 给 嘉崚子 发送悄悄话 嘉崚子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:06:03

就这心态和口气,能拍出好作品? -MiamiMan- 给 MiamiMan 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:08:12

我的照片, 自有众人评说。 -嘉崚子- 给 嘉崚子 发送悄悄话 嘉崚子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:10:12

大哥最懂:所谓静水深流,看了让人舒服的片子,哪个不是内修多读多看多练而来的。 -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:51:02

支持 -梦游usa- 给 梦游usa 发送悄悄话 梦游usa 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:23:42

说的是对的,但开场白砸了,有话好好说,别 -MiamiMan- 给 MiamiMan 发送悄悄话 (269 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:07:03

对我来说,能够触动我的都是好片。 -动手动脚不动脑- 给 动手动脚不动脑 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:29:01

说的好。虽然俺是摄影菜鸟,但从小喜欢画画,也自娱自乐画了N年。 俺菜鸟觉得:无论画画还是摄影,至少要有主题/主体,要表现主体与陪 -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (462 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:45:17

至于层次感,虚实,瞬间,视角冲击和切入点,用时间和空间来阐述的画面等等,这都需要很多简练自守/很多内持修行的铺垫才能达到的啊。 -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (198 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:49:24

所谓静水深流,看了让人舒服的片子,哪个不是内修多读多看多练而来的。 -墩墩和嘟嘟- 给 墩墩和嘟嘟 发送悄悄话 墩墩和嘟嘟 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:51:38

有耐心,说得好。 我真没耐心来这么一长篇 :) -梦游usa- 给 梦游usa 发送悄悄话 梦游usa 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:37:53

你也是一位真正用心的人! -嘉崚子- 给 嘉崚子 发送悄悄话 嘉崚子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:59:51

向小胖妞儿学习内修:) -军人后代- 给 军人后代 发送悄悄话 军人后代 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:22:45

非常有理! -schatten- 给 schatten 发送悄悄话 schatten 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 10:57:42

第一构图。 其他:主体突出,主题,思想,意境,美感,艺术感,光影效果 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:01:57

第一构图? 谁教的你? -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:19:47

构图不好,其他好,也不是好图 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:25:54

多看点书去吧 -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:31:38

这样不是礼貌讨论的方式。 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (598 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 13:42:28

你有在这里贴过照片吗? -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 14:04:32

你去找张优秀拍摄, 我随便把它旋转一下,剪裁一下。看看还是不是优秀图片? -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 13:34:49

如此争论方式是偷换逻辑啊。把一张好图搞坏很容易 -冬梦- 给 冬梦 发送悄悄话 冬梦 的博客首页 (159 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 16:29:26

只想说改变好图的构图,不是偷换逻辑。 也许你和KILLER有误解。 我说的第一,不是指头等重要。 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (396 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 16:55:01

第一和之一有很大区别。既然你这么牛,发几张图来让大家学学,无图无真相啊 -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 17:02:49

我一直在发。 你的我也看过一些(不作任何评论)。牛不牛的讨论不用了: 你牛,你赢了。 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 17:37:17

这样罗列第一第二的没什么意思?啥叫改变好图的构图啊,不懂,也怪不得不能理解。 -冬梦- 给 冬梦 发送悄悄话 冬梦 的博客首页 (332 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 17:10:26

扯远了。 我在首次回复就说明了。 构图不好,其他好,也不算好图。 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 17:41:49

我知道有的优秀蓝球教练本人并不会打篮球。学习摄影的人在熟练掌握摄影技能和领会美感之前 -玉渊潭八一湖- 给 玉渊潭八一湖 发送悄悄话 玉渊潭八一湖 的博客首页 (65 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 17:12:55

知道摄影理论和常识一般在熟练掌握摄影技能之前。 领会美感和那两个没有必然联系。 -KM2016- 给 KM2016 发送悄悄话 KM2016 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 18:02:15

说得好!!! -南京西瓜子- 给 南京西瓜子 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:22:40

细读由之兄的介绍,有收获。 谢谢,周末快乐! -冬梦- 给 冬梦 发送悄悄话 冬梦 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:37:15

点赞 -梦游usa- 给 梦游usa 发送悄悄话 梦游usa 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 11:57:06

由之兄也是出离愤怒了! -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:21:43

写得好!! -Shang-xia- 给 Shang-xia 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:33:41

也点赞。除了内容,摄影还需要一定的设备和技术为基础。 -达眼- 给 达眼 发送悄悄话 达眼 的博客首页 (200 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 12:55:51

说的好,赞一个! -HawaiiBlue- 给 HawaiiBlue 发送悄悄话 HawaiiBlue 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 13:16:18

非常义愤填膺啊,艺术是种主观的东西,见仁见智 -窈窕淑女司令- 给 窈窕淑女司令 发送悄悄话 窈窕淑女司令 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 14:08:09

说得好!点赞! -其无- 给 其无 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 16:23:24

点赞。 -yujing_hk- 给 yujing_hk 发送悄悄话 yujing_hk 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2016 postreply 16:35:42

哈哈哈,您就两由之吧! -无良印品- 给 无良印品 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/19/2016 postreply 02:09:49



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