【朝鲜战争谁胜谁负?你说了不算!只有他说的算 ~!】

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朝鲜战争 自1953-7-27停火协定签署,已过去 66年了


被美国史学家称之为 unfinished, forgotten, unknown  war 之战.

这本来是一场可避免 ,可不发生,中国不必参与,美军无法介入的战争。




【朝鲜战争 本可不发生!】 


1951-4-11 在忍无可忍的气愤中,美总统杜鲁门干巴利脆地把韩战美军联军统帅 麦克阿瑟给撸了个精光。



在1951-5-15的听证会上,时任韩战美军联军统帅 克拉克被质询提问,

他发表了 代表 美三军总长(其实也代表美国总统)对韩战策略的答辩,

提出了至今尚著名的 4个 wrongs, 四个错,

 this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.



此话用了 would, 没用 did had,  但这在语法上是虚拟,在实际上是现实的

除了最初几天,美军打了近10个月,知道是谁在与美军对抗, 不是金将军的朝鲜军。

这个 enemy 敌人是已经选错了打错了(不是还没打),


国情,舆论, 实力,都不允许。





 【美三军总长 五星上将 布莱德雷 著名的 4 Wrongs】 


毛泽东不得不痛下决心 抗美援朝 保家卫国 出兵韩战

这个决断是艰难的,代价是沉重的,但是 是正确的英明的不二决择。


至今 还有人议论 朝鲜战争 韩战 谁输谁赢了

还有几只苍蝇嗡嗡 美国打败了中国,中国不得不乞求与美国停火,云云。



现将 美军联军总司令 马克-克拉克 4星上将的结论 告知大家

可以不信, 可以质疑, 可以反对, 可以否定,可以把脑袋埋入沙堆里,也可以再狺狺狂吠几声。

Image result for Korea:the First War Lost

Bevin Alexander US Army Historical Detachments Photos


韩战老兵,以亲身经历撰写的 此书: 朝鲜  我们的第一次败仗 

Bevin Alexander (born 17 February 1929 in Gastonia, North Carolina, United States)

is an American military historian and author. He served as an officer during the Korean War 

as part of the 5th Historical Detachment. His book Korea:

The First War We Lostwas largely influenced by his experiences during the war. 

Bevin Alexander



【鹅滴  上述按语】


联合国军总司令 美国的克拉克将军 在联军总部 签署朝鲜停火协定 (二签)

  General Mark Clark signing the Korean War Armistice, 27 Jul 1953

General Mark Clark signing the Korean War Armistice, 27 Jul 1953, photo 1 of 2


General Mark Clark signing the Korean War Armistice, 27 Jul 1953


Mark Wayne Clark 1943.jpg



During the Korean War, he took over as commander of the United Nations Command on May 12, 1952, succeeding General Matthew Ridgway, a close friend and a fellow graduate of the West Point class of 1917.

我成为美军历史上第一位不光彩的签署一场没打赢战争的停火协定的 司令官

(这里 是  without victory,  另处 是 did not win

 As quoted by Max Hastings, one young returning GI said to his wife, “I couldn't accept the fact that we hadn't won, that we couldn't beat the Communists.” When the GI talked about Mao and the number of Communists he killed, his friends ...

我们没打赢, 我们打不过共产党人

Clark commanded UN forces in Korea until the armistice was signed on July 27, 1953 and retired from the Army on October 31 of the same year.




Photo: UN delegate Lieut. Gen. William K. Harrison, Jr. (seated left), and Korean People’s Army and Chinese People’s Volunteers delegate Gen. Nam Il (seated right) signing the Korean War armistice agreement at P’anmunj?m, Korea, 27 July 1953

Photo: UN delegate Lieut. Gen. William K. Harrison, Jr. (seated left), and Korean People’s Army and Chinese People’s Volunteers delegate Gen. Nam Il (seated right) signing the Korean War armistice agreement at P’anmunj?m, Korea, 27 July 1953. Credit: F. Kazukaitis, U.S. Department of Defense; Wikimedia Commons.

这是在 板门店 哈里森将军 和 南日 将军 签署停火协定(首签)


An article about the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War, Dallas Morning News newspaper article , 27 July 1953

After 24 months and 17 days of secret, difficult negotiations – during a war that lasted 37 months – an armistice was signed on 27 July 1953, finally halting the fighting in the Korean War. 






