  • 博客访问:

8/6 星期一

(2007-08-06 02:21:51) 下一个
周日回家就睡, 午饭晚饭都没吃. 今天早晨起来, 腹肌酸痛, 这个是F's fault. 在温泉旅馆舒舒服服的, 不知道怎么偏偏提起仰卧起坐, 我说他做不了50个, 他说我肯定不行, 于是我们各做足了50个仰卧起坐来满足各自争强好胜的自尊心, 结果今天我都不敢笑, 一笑肚子就痛, 真是有病... 不过早晨照镜子的时候, 发现多日不见的腹肌"水落石出", 看来50个仰卧起坐没白做, 还是有点效果. 不能白白浪费这样的成果, 于是, 穿了件短tank top, 低腰jeans, 换上耀眼的belly pierce, 一路招摇, 来到办公室.

工作, 工作, 永远烦心的工作. 我很怀疑世界上真的有人会完完全全enjoy his/her work. 新来的AI让我觉得很烦, 从一开始我就不喜欢他. 他倒是没有得罪过我, 但我就是不喜欢他, 没什么具体原因, 我想人和人之间大概也有种神秘的类似磁场一样的东西, 有些人很合得来, 有些人就很难. 第一件事, check emails, 不看不知道, 一看气就来了. AI给Ben发了一封信, 竟然说"you and the coding team", who is the fucking team???!!! There are only 2 people, Ben and me, and I am the one in charge! Even Ben has fully acknowledged that I am the manager for all technical parts. 我觉得我很有必要告诉AI, who is the boss in this case, 如果一开始Amir and Jeff没有向他解释清楚的话. 但后来又一想, AI的英文email写得漏洞百出, 词不达意, 没有必要揪住一个词来打压他, 毕竟AI都39岁了, 听我这么个小姑娘呼来唤去的, 有点pathetic.

一波未平, 一波又起. 我中午出去买午饭, 回来的时候, 看到AI把我电脑的internet cable拔下来, 插在他的laptop上在用打印机. Cos this service office charges for everything, including any extra cable setting up, so we have only 2 cables, which means if one wanna print out something, the other has to be offline. Well, that is fine, the point here is, he took the cable off from my computer without telling me in advance. Its common sense that if you touch somebody else's computer, you need to get the permission first. What if I was uploading or downloading something? What if I was backing up the system??? What he had done could ruin everything, that is not acceptable. 我忍无可忍, 告诉AI, 下回如果要用cable的时候, 请事先告诉我, 这是IT工作的常识. AI连说sorry, 典型的日本人的反应, 但我看得出他很不服气. 于是我接着问, "do we have any communication problem here? if you have any problem related to the system, please let me know. "这句是针对他经常越过我, 直接向Ben汇报的事情, 我看我很有必要问问Jeff或Amir, AI的title究竟是什么.

最糟糕的事情在最后, Amir发来一封email, some tech news which lets all of us quite much down. There is an american company who is doing the same business in the states, and actually they are doing well. But we assumed that there were lots of legal issues involved if they wanna expand to Japan's market, so it would be tough for them in a short time. But now the news says that, they will make a shared partnership with a Tokyo-based investment holdings, damn! This investment holdings has money, experiences, people, licenses... everything, if they seriously getting to start it, they can make it right away. The point to make this business success is that, we have to be the first one, that is the only way which can guarantee the marketing shares we desire. Well, everybody feels the pressure now. 我觉得自己非常有必要save money, just in case, this start-up company just has too many troubles, which make me feel insecure. Damn, shouldnt have spent that much last month!!! DAMN!!!

周一就是这样, 迅速的把我拉回到现实世界. 喝咖啡的时候, 翻最新的fashion magazine, 已经开始介绍秋天的衣服, 夹页竟然是wedding book. LV和GUCCI的wedding rings比我梦里那个还要难看, 我比较中意Harry Winston的, stylish&unique, 不象Tiffany那样普及. 很耐心的数了一下价格里0的个数, WOW... 不知道会不会把我未来的夫婿吓晕过去...哈!

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