小黑猫 (热门博主)
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(2017-11-10 18:33:11) 下一个

从2012年的 Patagonia 25日,我就深深爱上南美,爱上南美壮丽的自然风光。然后就有了后来的 2014 南美:秘鲁、玻利维亚、智利。去年年初老爸生病至今,我的假期基本用来回国,再没时间长途跋涉地玩了。借活动之机,重温我南美最爱的一次旅行,One of the most memorable trips of my life 2015 Peruvian Andes

Day 1 踏上征途,远离尘嚣

1. Huayhuash from distance driving to the trailhead

2. alpaca

3. DL & Cow & Rondoy

Day 2 世外桃源,天上人间

4. First pass DL &LLD

5. 心中山水意中人

6. Mitucocha

Day 3 A beautiful day

7. Sunrise
8. Alpine route

9. Lunch


A room with a view

Day 4 日照金山,空谷绝响

10. amazing sunrise over 5 peaks

11. Jirichanca

after sunrise

12. Siula Three Lakes & DL

three Lake LLD DL

Day 5 湖畔迷途

13. Another Sunrise

14. 日照金山

15. 走在青山绿草间

Day 6 雪山日落

16. Setup Tent

17. Whale Lake

18. Sunset DL&LLD

Day 7 Touching the Void

19. Santa Rosa Pass

20. Pass

21. DL in front of mountain and Glacier

another fantastic picnic spot

22. Joe Simpson Camp

Day 8 山村节日

23. Through the lupine field

24. LLD picnic by waterfalls

Village Kids

25. Village band

Day 9 登山向导的迟到

26. Our donkeys

27. Highest campsite

28. Moonrise over Diablo Mudo

Day 10 登山训练

29. Rest Day

Day 11 挑战极限,攀越冰峰
31. DL Climbing Diablo Mudo

33. Celebration

35. Erica & Roberto

36. Last camp site

Day 12 行尽天涯, 归途在眼前

37. Last morning

39. Farm house

40. One of the most memorable trips of my life - 12 Days Trekking the Cordillera Huayhuash Circuit


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