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Happy Family Day [家庭节快乐]

(2012-02-20 08:08:49) 下一个

Happy Family Day!

愿这云雀弦乐四重奏为你的节日增加一份快乐. 国内一位大师把弦乐四重奏的结构比作一个家庭, 说那大提琴就象长者,  第一小提琴象孩子, 第二小提琴和中提琴是那执掌家庭的爸爸妈妈.   这只曲子是弦乐四重奏开山鼻祖海顿的名曲云雀, 由Takács Quartet 演奏. 愿大家家庭节快乐.

(Note:  00:15 - 00:30 那段旋律是那末美丽动人, 让人陶醉.)

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秀山 回复 悄悄话 My First Family Day Off --

It was about this time 3 years back when just joined the company. Friday afternoon I was on the road back from Calgary to Edmonton on a business trip. I obviously did not check my email and assume the long weekend finally came and Monday would be a nice day off as the Family Day. In the Monday afternoon I by chance passed by my office. I was shocked - the parking lot was full and everyone was working.

What happened was that the administration sent out an email Friday at 3:00PM and informed everyone that we would work the Monday to match schdules of our other US corporate companies and would take another day off in August. I did not check my email Friday through the weekend.

That was my first Family Day off. Tuesday morning when I told everyone my first Family Day off, everyone was just laughing.