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test m3u

(2009-10-16 06:44:19) 下一个
#This is my m3u file - it contains a list of songs/music/title.mp3/music/good_enough.mp3/music/bonus.mp3Now all you need to do is add your playlist to your music code.Step 2 - Add Your Playlist to your Music CodePlace the following code within your HTML file and change the values to suit:Example Music Code ++++++++++++++++++++++++++#This is my m3u file - it contains a list of songs/music/http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1255700109.mp3/music/http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1255700276.mp3/music/bonus.mp3Now all you need to do is add your playlist to your music code.Step 2 - Add Your Playlist to your Music CodePlace the following code within your HTML file and change the values to suit:Example Music Code
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