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(2011-07-27 23:12:16) 下一个

以前一听到举重训练(weight training)就想到的是举重运动员,好像和我们没什么关系。

一次在游轮上听到一个讲座才得知运动分为两类:有氧运动(Aerobic or cardio)和无氧运动(Anaerobic)。前者包括跑步、球类、跳舞和游泳等,而后者是指短跑、速游和举重训练,包括仰卧起坐、俯卧撑、引体向上、杠铃、哑铃和阻力运动器械。


以下是出自纽约时报畅销书《Body for Life 》(12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength by Bill Phillips and Michael D’OrsoBodyforLIFE.com)中有关的一些摘语:

Myth:  Aerobics is better for shaping up than weight training
Fact:    To transform your physique, you must train with weights.

Walking around the block or simply climbing a flight of stars is better than just sitting there doing nothing. But the best form of exercise, for reshaping your body, is weight training.

Through resistance training, you can also significantly increase your metabolic rate – the rate at which your body turns fat. As you may already know, when you gain muscle, your body requires more energy to maintain that new muscle. Fat weight doesn’t require any energy at all to maintain – it just sits there. That’s why weight training is even superior to aerobic exercise for people who want to lose fat: It addresses the core of the problem – the rate at which your body uses energy.

With weight training, you not only burn fat but you can also change the shape of your body – you can build wider shoulders, so your waist looks more narrow. You can build muscular arms; lean, defined abdominal muscles; strong legs; and you become empowered, confident, and strong.

Myth: If women lift weights, they’ll get “bulky”.
Fact:   Resistance exercise helps women create lean, toned bodies.

…fat takes up five times as much space as muscle. This means if you replace the fat on your hips or thighs with the same weight in muscle,your thighs will get much smaller.

Women worries about “bulking up” with weights need to understand this. It’s your body composition that determines how you look. By replacing fat with muscle, you can make an astounding transformation without feeling week and unhealthy. Women should actually be concerned about not having enough muscle, rather than too much.

Myth from Fact:
: Aerobics is better for shaping up than weight training
: To transform your physique, you must train with weights.

Myth: If women lift weights, they’ll get“bulky”.
: Resistance exercise helps women create  lean, toned bodies.

Myth: Weight training is only for young athletes.
: People of all ages should be weight training.

Myth: Muscles grow while you’re working out.
: Muscles grow while you’re resting and recuperating.

Myth: A certain number of sets and reps get sthe job done.
: High-intensity effort produces the best results.

Myth: Eating right means three “square meals”a day.
: Eating six nutritious meals a day is the right way.

Myth: People who overate lack willpower.
: Overeating is a natural instinct.

Myth: High-carbohydrate, low-fat diets work best.
: People are becoming fat from a “carbo verdose”

Myth; You need to drink water only when you are thirsty.
: Your body needs more water than it’s telling you.

以下是《Body for Life 》书中12个月训练前后的对照相片