
诗人推荐 (图)

(2006-03-14 15:49:22) 下一个

1. In A Meadow One white daisy and my two closed eyes. These shield us from the world. [Translated by Grazyna Baran And Margaret Marshment] 2. She Does Not Remember She was an evil stepmother. In her old age she is slowly dying in an empty hovel. She shudders like a clutch of burnt paper. She does not remember that she was evil. But she knows that she feels cold. [Translated from the Polish by Czeslaw Milosz and Leonard Nathan] 3. The Greatest Love She is sixty. She lives the greatest love of her life. She walks arm-in-arm with her dear one, her hair streams in the wind. Her dear one says: "You have hair like pearls." Her children say: "Old fool." [Translated from the Polish by Czeslaw Milosz and Leonard Nathan] + Anna Swir/Świrszczyńska (1909-1984) is a Polish poet who made it her task to demystify woman, the female body and sexuality by clearing up the poetic mists that have surrounded her for a long time.
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作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 SD:

"I think that I sing this song well. One of my favorate! :)"


i think this is the most poetic song you have ever posted so far...


good job! and keep it coming.....




that is a good way to enjoy poetry....:)

优胜美地 回复 悄悄话 “i think Anna Swir's poems have no "fog" nor "clouds" confusing the mind.... “





律周 回复 悄悄话 I think so!
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 自由 including creativity, love, peace..

I think that I sing this song well. One of my favorate! :)
作舟诗集 回复 悄悄话 LZ:

i was just kidding.... :)

but, i think Anna Swir's poems have no "fog" nor "clouds" confusing the mind.... don't you think?


this is a nice song!!

i remember listening to Li Gu-Yi sing it a loooooong time ago....:)


true! knowing this will help some of us making better decisions that are not controled by materialism, etc...


i think "自由" is actually not the ultimate goal in life....

the happiest person[s] are those who can still love, share love through doing beautiful things, such as creative things or helping each other....
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 刚刚唱了一个我喜欢的歌  给你们听听。歌词你们都熟,就不贴了。附我写的一个小说明。

水滴第一次也是唯一一次看到橄榄树,是在耶鲁撒冷橄榄山顶的墓地。那是一个历尽磨难的人安息的地方。橄榄山俯瞰整个耶鲁撒冷的旧城。据说当年的耶稣被抓前,在橄榄树下传道,祈祷。 复活后又在橄榄山转悠。





律周 回复 悄悄话 纯属我个人的感觉,雾虽然比云朦胧,但却给我一个揣度的空间.
LTG 回复 悄悄话 拨云见雾???




i am lost....
律周 回复 悄悄话 对女性描摹的拨云见雾.
LTG 回复 悄悄话 you are so welcome!!


影云 回复 悄悄话 enjoy reading her . . .thanks for sharing !