
来源: 單身老貓 2007-02-13 20:18:06 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4121 bytes)
回答: 回复:被指控shoplifting,怎么办啊?單身老貓2007-02-13 18:56:43
您的第一次出庭應該是initial hearing ,基本上檢方會告知您被起訴何種罪名,您可以當庭認罪(如果您的律師與檢察官有認最的協議)或是不認罪(您的律師會要求設立一個特定的日期來進入審判的程序)
由於您的情況是第一次犯罪,加上對方有錄影帶為證,您的說法老實說可能很難說服法官或是陪審團,(如果您在該店舖購買相當價值的貨品或是只忘記付一双袜子的貨款,這或許有很好的說法)但是如果您拿了4个packages .大概是$30的貨品,您還說是您忘記付款,老實說您的說詞還是真的有些牽強)


Converting Class D felony to Class A misdemeanor
35-38-1-1.5 Sec. 1.5. (a) A court may enter judgment of conviction as a Class D felony with the express provision that the conviction will be converted to a conviction as a Class A misdemeanor within three (3) years if the person fulfills certain conditions. A court may enter a judgment of conviction as a Class D felony with the express provision that the conviction will be converted to a conviction as a Class A misdemeanor only if the person pleads guilty to a Class D felony that qualifies for consideration as a Class A misdemeanor under IC 35-50-2-7, and the following conditions are met:
(1) The prosecuting attorney consents.
(2) The person agrees to the conditions set by the court.
(b) For a judgment of conviction to be entered under subsection (a), the court, the prosecuting attorney, and the person must all agree to the conditions set by the court under subsection (a).
(c) The court is not required to convert a judgment of conviction entered as a Class D felony to a Class A misdemeanor if, after a hearing, the court finds:
(1) the person has violated a condition set by the court under subsection (a); or
(2) the period that the conditions set by the court under subsection (a) are in effect expires before the person successfully completes each condition.
However, the court may not convert a judgment of conviction entered as a Class D felony to a Class A misdemeanor if the person commits a new offense before the conditions set by the court under subsection (a) expire.
(d) The court shall enter judgment of conviction as a Class A

misdemeanor if the person fulfills the conditions set by the court under subsection (a).
(e) The entry of a judgment of conviction under this section does not affect the application of any statute requiring the suspension of a person's driving privileges.
(f) This section may not be construed to diminish or alter the rights of a victim (as defined in IC 35-40-4-8) in a sentencing proceeding under this chapter.
As added by P.L.98-2003, SEC.2.


(b)您應該考慮諮詢律師,雖然您的案件很輕微,但是一旦獲判有罪,這其中的後遺症會很大 (除非您們不考慮移民美國,準備年底學成回國,那麼您就不需要擔憂),所以爭取"無罪"的判決或是"不起訴"的決定是您們應該爭取的,但是您的案件,這需要有專業的知識的法律諮詢人員來協助您處理。(如果是老貓來處理這個案件,老貓個人有好幾個可行的方式來處理,然而礙於未來工作的規定,老貓只能說您需要諮詢律師尋求最佳的解決方式)
(c)在可見的未來,您最好不要再有這種事件發生,因為如果您一再有類似的狀況,成為所謂的"累犯",州的兒童福利機構有可能會認定您們為不適任的父母,到時候,他們有權要求監督或是直接取代您們對孩子的監護權,那麼您們的麻煩可就不是這個論壇可以輕鬆幫助的。 (您最好聽進去,切記 !)


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