
来源: 水中莲 2006-09-22 11:55:36 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1598 bytes)
小孩2岁多点,在幼儿园被咬另一个可能比他小的白人小孩咬。据老师说当时两小孩靠地很近。小孩的上嘴皮外有咬痕但没破皮,里面有一个小洞,皮破了,留了一些血。老师打电话给家长,并说用肥皂和水清洗了。家长问能否一下对方家长more information about health concern. 老师说要请示director.后回电说不行。带小孩去看医生,医生开了抗生素以防感染,跟医生提起对传染病的担心和幼儿园的态度,医生说:I didn't seem any problems if day care center can ask the other kid's parent if they volunteerly provide any information about health concerns and health risks.
第二天,找到director,问他能否问一下对方家长是否愿意回答。director脸一沉,说:我昨天已经咨询过人事处(此幼儿园属与一个大单位)了, it's against the law that we reveal the name who did the biting. also we can not ask the parents any questions. actually the kid who bit is more dangrous because he may get blood from the kid who got bitten.
于是打电话给county的early education program agency. 被告之:it's the regulation of the state we live that day care center does not reveal the name who did the biting. 至于questions about health concerns of the kid who did biting, it's out of the regulation of early education program. they need to find out and call me back. 到今天还没得到回复。
白人邻居们说他们从没有听说过这样的policy.有一些建议去fight back.
难道就这样被咬了?连问一问有没有传染病的可能性都没有?最害怕HIV. 连医生说 who knows who has it or not.

有人有相试的经验吗? 最为父母还能作什么?我们中国了长于忍,但如果有人能从法律的角度谈谈这个问题,作为中国儿童的家长就大大受惠了,也有助于我们更好地在这个法律国家生存。



CAO, 就是小孩咬了一口,就提升到国家问题了,看来也是个厉害的主 -5501- 给 5501 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 12:37:21

大姐,你们全家最好不要出门,不要上饭店吃饭,不要和别人随便讲话 -5501- 给 5501 发送悄悄话 (45 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 12:39:48

这位是吃了火药,这么冲!咬的不是你儿子,你当然不急。 -boby123- 给 boby123 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 18:06:15

I certainly appreciate you anxiety. -昭君出塞因地制宜- 给 昭君出塞因地制宜 发送悄悄话 (938 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 14:09:46

我孩子们常被咬,多时一星期一次,别太紧张。 -二宝娘- 给 二宝娘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 14:45:21

回LZ的,跟错了地方,抱歉。 -二宝娘- 给 二宝娘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 15:56:11

回复:孩子在幼儿园被咬。该怎么办? -單身老貓- 给 單身老貓 发送悄悄话 (267 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 15:51:40



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