
来源: apt 2006-07-02 22:09:39 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (350 bytes)
本文内容已被 [ apt ] 在 2006-07-12 10:17:13 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.
The title is not deemed defective even if it is not under the seller's name. As long as he can clear the title with good faith, within the contract time for performance, he is entitled to do so. If he can not clear the title within the contract time, then you may claim a discharge of your contract duty because of failing a condition precedent.


回复:回复:回复:回复:请大家帮帮忙,看看这买车押金还能要回来吗 -ZZXXCCVV- 给 ZZXXCCVV 发送悄悄话 (162 bytes) () 07/03/2006 postreply 10:13:43
