Reliance on insurance is not a good idea

来源: apt 2006-02-10 19:54:59 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (971 bytes)
回答: 回复:求助:追尾被告怎么办?apt2006-02-10 09:12:11
When you involved in a car accident with severe bodily injury. The pain and suffering, plus emotional distress can be easily over millions of dollars if they seem appropriate by the trier of facts. The insurance company will cover a small portion, then the rest will have to come out from the house. In the instant case I would find a good lawyer and put up a good fight. Even though you may still have to pay the victim, there are lots of chances that your liability will be reduced by the victim's own negligence, e.g. comparative fault. If you are luckily residing in a contributory negligence jurisdition, such as NC, SC, VA, MD, even SD, a extremely slight negligence of the victim will completely bar his recovery. A good lawyer will be able to find such chance. For example, in the instant case, the car in the front may have a bad tail light and that is the chance to at least reduce his recovery, if it is determined to be the fault of the driver behind.


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