for curiosity

来源: idyourself 2003-09-09 12:31:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (684 bytes)
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If you really believe you and your hu*****and will never be separated, why not you open a joint account? Owning separate accounts itself implies you are both ready for divorce, even unconciously, and that explains both keeps own incomes. This said, why do you want to divide the property on your hu*****and's account? Some properties you can divide, like the house, if you have one, but not his money on his account since that's not yours. I know you may do so according to the law, but if so, please don't act like a victim, coz you are a predator.
Too many vicious women here are asking for advice just in order to screw their poor hu*****ands up. Of course, you might not be one of them
