
来源: 慧惠 2018-03-29 11:16:56 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2786 bytes)

我的401K在Fidelity有一个累积表格,列出不同的%,比如 before-tax 60%,after-tax 30%, company match 10%。他们给你钱的时候扣税,公式可能是这样:

比如设定每个月拿5000,无形说 after-tax traditional 增值部分交,假设那年总增值10%,那应该是:5000 x 10%  x 30%  x 0.24 (我的税率)+ 5000 x 60% x 0.24,一共税 $756, 拿到的现金是$4244。


下面柠檬说:Top tax rate is 24%, not the effective tax rate,我还没明白这句话的意思。


  • Pre-Tax (Traditional) 401(k):
         Contributions made with pre-tax income will result in a tax deduction for
         the amount contributed. Contributions are not counted as income, and they
         will lower your tax bill come April. When you contribute pre-tax, you are
         allowing your assets to grow on a tax-deferred basis.
    By the time you
         retire and begin to pull money out of your account, every dollar withdrawn
         (including the growth) is taxable as ordinary income.

  • After-Tax (Roth) 401(k): Roth
         contributions are the opposite of pre-tax contributions. While this option
         may not have been widely available in the past, many retirement plans now
         offer it. When you contribute to these accounts, you won’t receive a tax
         break, but all growth and qualified
    1 future withdrawals are tax-free. Because you
         already paid taxes on this money when you contributed to the account, you
         won’t be taxed on this money when you withdraw it in the future



我猜他的意思是,if the traditional IRA is tax deductible, it may bring y -随雨无形- 给 随雨无形 发送悄悄话 (58 bytes) () 03/29/2018 postreply 11:21:33

真的乱,应该是这样把,从一月份开始你算算,每个月放多少,放到最高额度就别放了。 -goingplace- 给 goingplace 发送悄悄话 goingplace 的博客首页 (45 bytes) () 03/29/2018 postreply 11:30:42

比如年头上发奖金后,那你就提前存完了。 -goingplace- 给 goingplace 发送悄悄话 goingplace 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2018 postreply 11:32:33

:) 我这3-4年刚刚开始学习管钱~以后知道了~~ -慧惠- 给 慧惠 发送悄悄话 慧惠 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2018 postreply 11:47:30

你没用心,这些对你来说太容易了。 -goingplace- 给 goingplace 发送悄悄话 goingplace 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2018 postreply 13:17:32



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