关键是“孩子的最好权益”best interests of the child.

来源: 柠檬椰子汁 2015-03-29 13:14:48 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1257 bytes)


UK Children Act of 1989 defines:
1 Welfare of the child.

(3)In the circumstances mentioned in subsection (4), a court shall have regard in particular to—

(a)the ascertainable wishes and feelings of the child concerned (considered in the light of his age and understanding);

(b)his physical, emotional and educational needs;

(c)the likely effect on him of any change in his circumstances;

(d)his age, sex, background and any characteristics of his which the court considers relevant;

(e)any harm which he has suffered or is at risk of suffering;

(f)how capable each of his parents, and any other person in relation to whom the court considers the question to be relevant, is of meeting his needs;

(g)the range of powers available to the court under this Act in the proceedings in question.


谢谢! 小孩7岁,外婆60多,姑姑40;外婆方请的律师面试小孩时,他表示想跟外婆 -NanjingReninUK- 给 NanjingReninUK 发送悄悄话 NanjingReninUK 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 13:28:57

废话,七岁小孩知道什么?谁问他就说跟谁,这个证据也拿得出手。 -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 (60 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 13:30:42

柠檬厉害,一眼就看出我是管闲事的;这不因为案件发生在我居住的城市嘛,老太太来了以后,正好是我一熟人接待,私下 -NanjingReninUK- 给 NanjingReninUK 发送悄悄话 NanjingReninUK 的博客首页 (93 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 13:47:17

外婆比姑姑更亲吧? -goingplace- 给 goingplace 发送悄悄话 goingplace 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 14:27:36

孩子跟祖父母长大不好,又没个舅舅阿姨的表兄弟姐妹的。 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 14:42:48

我觉得还是跟外婆好。姑姑未必亲,跟姑姑的俩孩子一起可能寄人篱下的感觉 -Manymore- 给 Manymore 发送悄悄话 Manymore 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 20:03:50

+1 -N.- 给 N. 发送悄悄话 N. 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2015 postreply 21:03:26

在这个国家,这孩子永远是罪犯的儿子,他爸爸在监狱里,对他成长一点好处也没有。 -goingplace- 给 goingplace 发送悄悄话 goingplace 的博客首页 (69 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 04:44:33

你意思跟父亲断绝关系?我当年是选择了回上海当反革命家属 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (104 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 08:47:32

他的情况跟你差太远了,一是父亲在监狱里,关键是他杀了他的妈妈。反革命有什么?文革时受迫害的多了, -goingplace- 给 goingplace 发送悄悄话 goingplace 的博客首页 (90 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 10:35:42

我爸是给关起来的。我那时还真不知道他有错没错,罪名“反对毛主席的革命路线”呢。 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 10:40:32

My point:跟老人长住很没劲。我还是宁可被歧视。 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (6 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 10:44:29

哈哈哈,一天4,5个鸡蛋,你没消化不良? -arcsigh- 给 arcsigh 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 14:35:52

没有。从芦柴棒长成小胖子。回上海又瘦回去了。 -如尘- 给 如尘 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2015 postreply 14:46:34
