来源: 2016-04-28 14:07:13 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


看了这个  Homemade Cleaning Wipes and Canister


  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
  • 我直接用的自己做的橘子醋。喜欢香味的可以滴一两滴自己喜欢的精油。

我没有切开纸卷。instead, 家里有细高的盒子放pasta,again,一块钱店买的。用擀面杖松松的卷纸,然后把纸筒放进盒子,抽出擀面杖,倒进去混合液,哇啦,自制sanitary napkin就成了。 

成本之低廉,要哭了。多少年以来我都是买的啊。 现在擦地都舍得用了。


自制盐麹, 盐糀Make Shio Koji 这个盐麹(=曲)的好处,不一而言,帖子里面提了一点,更多的自行google吧。米曲和做酒酿的不一样,日本店有,也可以直接买成品的盐曲。

盈盈刚发了一个菜谱,盐麴猪排 Shio-Koji Pork Chop 



溜溜妈:   盐曲和酒酿米曲的菌种不一样做出来的东西味道不一样。很明显,盐曲里的米曲菌耐高盐而酒酿米曲菌的不耐。不能互换使用。 方子 http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_71c61a510102vbzg.html 

更多方子: http://blog.yam.com/ydog/article/53354122  鹽麴製作

自製鹽麴【萬用醃料】Homemade Shio Koji - 肥丁手工坊


Carol 自在生活: 自製鹽麴


How To Make Shio Koji

How To Make Shio Koji | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

It’s been several years since Shio Koji (塩麹, 塩糀) experienced a huge resurgence in popularity as a versatile seasoning in Japan.   This page is about shio koji, its benefit in cooking, and how to make it at home.

What Is Shio Koji?

Shio Koji | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Shio koji  (塩麹, 塩糀) is a natural seasoning used to marinate, tenderize, and enhance the umami, or richness (one of the five basic tastes), in foods.  It’s made of just a few simple ingredients, salt, water and rice koji.

Rice koji (米こうじ, 米糀, 米麹) is steamed rice that has been treated with koji mold spores (Aspergillus oryzae, koji-kin 麹菌, or koji starter).   Koji is a specific strain of mold that has been cultured over the centuries.

You may feel hesitant to eat it and wonder why we make rice moldy on purpose.  But you know what, you have most likely eaten it already!

Koji has been the key ingredient to make misosoy saucesakemirinrice vinegar, amazake, shochu, and shio koji.  It’s a live food that is rich in enzymes that break down the starches and proteins in food into sugars and amino acids.

Use shio koji to marinade meats, make pickles, or just use as a salt substitute.  For each teaspoon of salt called for in a recipe, use 2 teaspoons of shio-koji.  Shio-koji is really versatile and can be used in any kind of cooking (See Shio Koji recipes)!

Benefits of Shio Koji

There are some benefits of using shio koji in cooking (source).

  • A natural pro-biotic seasoning
  • Tenderizes food
  • Brings out the umami and sweetness in foods
  • Reduces the intake of salt
  • Aids in digestion
  • Clear the skin
  • Anti-aging
  • Contains minerals, fiber and vitamins