
来源: gossipgirl8 2016-05-25 18:03:00 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1731 bytes)


We may be subject to material litigation and regulatory proceedings.


       Earlier this year, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, informed us that it was initiating an investigation into whether there have been any violations of the federal securities laws. The SEC has requested that we voluntarily provide it with documents and information relating to, among other things: our consolidation policies and practices (including our accounting for Cainiao Network as an equity method investee), our policies and practices applicable to related party transactions in general, and our reporting of operating data from Singles Day. We are voluntarily disclosing this SEC request for information and cooperating with the SEC and, through our legal counsel, have been providing the SEC with requested documents and information. The SEC advised us that the initiation of a request for information should not be construed as an indication by the SEC or its staff that any violation of the federal securities laws has occurred. This matter is ongoing, and, as with any regulatory proceeding, we cannot predict when it will be concluded.




你的意思是要重点报道加红加粗?如果不是迫于法律,它肯定不会主动披露的 -比灵通- 给 比灵通 发送悄悄话 比灵通 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/25/2016 postreply 18:23:53

中概股不管它多好,买的时候都得防止这一手,俺已经10年没有碰中概股了,以前所有买过的中概股都因为做假被告过,很多已经被delis -比灵通- 给 比灵通 发送悄悄话 比灵通 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/25/2016 postreply 18:26:28

嗯,谢提醒。不过总觉得肉还没有肥到杀猪的时候。 -gossipgirl8- 给 gossipgirl8 发送悄悄话 gossipgirl8 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/25/2016 postreply 18:45:08

