看来MM非常关心美丽,一面浅谈女人的美丽,一面约架!嗯,就像昨天一面抱怨DQ, 一面上来DQ! 有意思!但是不好意思的是:俺的确对你不敢兴趣!你在DQ玩好, 要消失就表带走一片云彩!撒娇给谁看呢?你说的那个字跟“暗”结合挺紧密的。祝福你的选择!俺不品论。
MM, MILLENNIAL MEDIA INC, 这种股票,俺拿在手上有一段时间了。她是MOBILE ADVERTISING SOLUTION PROVIDER. 2012年3月29日上市。 今年2月20日季报不好,股价大跌,从$14.33一天之内跌倒$8.95,近乎掉了50%。因为俺一直关注她,认为MOBILE是一种趋势,俺就在$9-10之间冲进去了。结果是没有最低只要更低。这支股票后来又慢慢跌到$5.87, 在4 月3日这天。俺这段之间在祷告和想象中拿住这支妖股。一切如意,MM一点一点地爬起来鸟。到上周五收盘时已经$9.49鸟。 MM下个季度ER在8/5日。俺赌她涨。系好安全带,带MM重上$11! 注:俺是赌徒一枚,跟风有风险,请自己买保险!
Millennial Media Inc. 2400 Boston Street Suite 201 Baltimore, MD 21224 United States - Map Phone: 410-522-8705 Website: http://www.millennialmedia.com
Millennial Media, Inc. provides mobile advertising solutions for advertisers and developers in the United States and internationally. It has MYDAS, a data platform that accesses and analyzes volumes of datalocation, social, interest, and mobile deviceto provide a multi-dimensional view of individual profiles. The companys solutions for developers include software development kits that allows app to receive rich media, banner displays, and video adds; mediation tools, which allow developers to allocate ad requests among various advertising campaign sources; and data and analytics that comprise comprehensive ad revenue generation reports for their apps across various mobile operating systems. It also enables advertisers to gain insights into the performance of their ad campaigns and to manage their campaigns. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.