
来源: dt_spy 2012-09-06 20:06:09 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1816 bytes)
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The past is knowable.
The present is observable.
The future is intelligently guessable.

The past is already made,so it is permanent.Only something permanent,unchanging,can ever be known.Therefore,the past can be known.

The present is evolving; it is happening.That which is happening can be seen.So the present can be observed.

The mold of the future is built in the past and refined by the present.However,the actual future is yet-to-be-made and thus will always be unknown.

Only the present is alive and to be alive means to be constantly changing.
If the present is alive and constantly changing,then the present's future must also be ever-changing and thus always unknown.

So,the future can never be known nor perfectly predicted;but the know past and observed present will always indicate a "probable" future.

The future is thus in between unknowable and predictable.
It is more than random,but less than certain.
Tis is intelligently guessable.
Don't think. Look.
Don't analyze. Observe.

(The institutions you are competing with invariable will have more knowledge,more
information,more of everything than you; but in the seeing competition you can be their equal,or maybe even their better.)

Avoid making specific predictions about the future.
Making predictions will do you no good and can do you a lot of harm.
Analysis and predictions actually hinder your ability to see and act clearly.

You will be constantly tempted to analyze and predict.
Do so if you wish,just be aware of the dangers and try to adjust accordingly.


老大好 :-) -dt_spy- 给 dt_spy 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/06/2012 postreply 20:13:48

读起来怎么这么拗口?也顶。从哲学的高度来炒股。 -WSLama- 给 WSLama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/07/2012 postreply 06:26:48



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