I don't argue with your observations

来源: JXC 2008-07-19 17:55:30 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1421 bytes)
回答: 回复:My Problems with a black to be electedJXC2008-07-19 06:56:08
I don't argue with your observations, and agree blacks do need to address a lot of their issues from within. It is just not right to generalize the whole race, which basically denies people's opportunity to be judged "by the content of their character" as Dr. King so gracefully put it.

As a Chinese American, I feel the biggest threat in this country is the possibility of majority oppression against the minority, because the US system is set up in such a way there is zero counter balance for that. Case in point is the infamous Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943, it was legal, it was widely supported, and it was the biggest injustice against Chinese American. The result of that law is, even today Chinese American only accounts for merely 1% of US population.

Of course, things are much better now, a big thanks to the civil right's movement. But who can guarantee that kind of injustice will never happen again? It is my view that the blacks are our ally; they are our first line of defense against racial discrimination & majority injustice, when blacks are treated fairly, we Chinese will be fine, when blacks' rights are compromised; we might be the next one.

That is why I would vote for Obama, anything that pushes the US toward more racially tolerant society would serve our interests. He really breaks the racial barrier and set the precedent for us and our kids.


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