of course they are good sides, but also bad sides

来源: thrawn 2006-03-07 15:42:05 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1193 bytes)
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回答: 揭开美式“新闻自由”的虚伪性送你上天堂2006-03-06 18:16:49
in which retribution comes swiftly. Several famous telecasters were forced to retire after comments about the Bush administration and war on terror. They were looking for their scoop and it ended their careers. Of course each station is owned by some business people with monetary ties to political parties. Therefore the control of informatio is very subtle and high leveled that regular people do not even think about. News are many and wide ranged, there are choices for them media to detemine what kind of news, this station can be broadcasted to the American audience. The type of bias typically happened at this stage in various degrees. As a person who also lived in US for more than fifteen years, I can tell you that through different news sources outside of US, there is a pattern of which local/national/world news they broadcast and which news they ignore. Of course, this type of media is still better than the kind that exists in PRC. But, your assumption "there is no place on this planet where you have more freedom of speech than in US" is totally wrong since US is never the best freedom of speech place. Canada for example is better than US as are some European countries.


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