据说有人一口气喝了4碗: This kind of people are not good

本帖于 2011-08-01 16:30:36 时间, 由版主 熊猫媳妇 编辑
回答: 大姨妈家的38派对涮埽2011-07-31 20:23:17

Whatever you like to eat at the party, you must think to share with others. people like that mostly are  selfish and unfreindly. 


回复:据说有人一口气喝了4碗: This kind of people are not good -涮埽- 给 涮埽 发送悄悄话 涮埽 的博客首页 (81 bytes) () 08/01/2011 postreply 12:48:03
