08 BMW 750Li Valve Cover & Up Timing Cover Gasket Replacement

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车型:2008 BMW 750Li E66 N62 95,000km

啥都好就是漏油,查过几次可以确定的up timing cover肯定漏,而且有一部分机油都便宜到发电机转子上了!上个月有空又仔细查了查,详情移步:漏油的宝马例行保养及换辅助水泵



这是网友写的大致步骤可供参考 :

DIY - E65/E66 - Valve cover gasket (driver side)

After taking care of the oil leak coming out of the vac pump, now it's time to turn my attention to the valve cover gaskets. This DIY is about the drivers side (so far).

For this E65/E66 DIY you'll need:
- Gasket set (Zyl. 5-8) : 11127513195 : 75$
- Rubber seals (3x spares) : 11127511582 : 8$ (optional)
- Valvetronic O-Ring : 07119903596: 3$
Sensor Sealing : 11127518420: 5$
- Sensor O-Ring 2x : 12141748398: 5$
- Cap Nut 4x : 11127568834: 15$ (optional)
- Cap Nut 4x : 11127568835: 20$ (optional)
- Pipe 4x : 11127570219 : 100$
- Spark Plugs 8x : 45$ (optional)

- Torque wrench capable of 5 - 25NM
- Torx sockets (male & female), Tx20, 25, 27, 30 - E6
- Metric sockets 10mm
- Good (!!) set of socket tools including universal joints, multiple lenth extenders

Difficulty Level 1-10: 8 -- there is danger of breaking other items and you may be left with a non-driveable vehicle. Took me 2 full days to complete.

Before starting to work, remove the lover engine compartment screening and reinforcement plate. You will drop stuff, this will give you a chance to retrieve it.
Also let the engine cool down.

Use two compartmented boxes. One for the parts to be inserted. One for the parts extracted. Place them in chronological order.

Before you start, these are the items I had most difficulty with. Think about them and possibly you can avoid them.
- the retaining tabs on the eccentric shaft sensor break easily. If you break both, its a 350$ part.
- there is a levelling sensor at the bottom of the hydraulic oil reservoir. If your not careful, it breaks. Sensor is cheap, but you need the drain the reservoir to replace.
- the fuel liine needs to be disconnected to take the cover out. You'll be surprised how much fuel comes out. Have plugs for both ends ready... before you disconnect.
- to remove the old round rubber seals, place the valve cover on a large piece of cardboard. The old seals were quite bittle and broke during removal. You do not want to have little plastic pieces floating around in your oil system. Check that all is clean.
- the TIS tells you to replace the round rubber seals before re-inserting the valve cover. 3 of the lower ones popped out and were found a day later in the most unaccessable areas. I'd suggest to insert them after the valve cover is back in.
- The pipes do not like to be inserted into the valve cover easily - even with anti-friction coating. The lower cap nuts then will not engage. I used some self made washers to use the upper cap nuts and increase tension. Also wood and a mallet comes to thought.
- torques are not listed in TIS. Be careful not to overtorque.

1) Remove engine accoustic cover
2) Remove both fresh air ducts
3) Remove centre engine compartment partition wall (5171085)
4) Remove ignition coil covering
5) Remove ignition coils (1213511)
6) Optional - Replace spark plugs (1212011) 23NM - use anti-seize agent
7) Remove servomotor for left eccentric shaft (1137022) - you must reinitialize the valvetronic setting before starting the engine, once the repair is completed. I heard this happens automatically after 20secs - ignition on w/o starting (aka foot off brake pedal). I re-learned it in INPA. 
8) Replace sealing left cylinder head cover (1112005)
Removing and inserting the valve cover is very difficult, as there is not enough room to clear the eccentic shaft sensor. The valve cover has to be rotated with the front up maybe 25° to clear it. Took me forever.

- I used permatex ultra blue where drei bond 1209 was called for.
- Glycerin served as my rubber anti-friction coating, but was not helpful enough.
- To torque down the lower side I used self made aluminum washers. Most likely there are off the self washers, that can be used instead.
- Initially I overtorqued the fasteners. My final setting was 10NM.

9) Put everything back together again. Use
- 10 NM for the valve cover nuts and bolts
- 5NM for the torx sensor bolts
- 5NM for the Valvetronic spacer bolts
- 8NM for the Valvetronic motor

10) I've attached some additional pictures of where I was able to find the dropped parts. All where accounted for. A stick with some duct tape proved to be most helpful.

Hope this is a help.
Regards, flash-n
开始做作案前先断电,断开负极做好隔离。其次打开汽油箱盖后再盖上,因为拆卸要断开汽油管路。其他基本就是常识性的拆卸操作,千万千万不要把拧松的螺丝掉落,拆的时候除了磁力吸主要依靠手触,安装时使用masking tape粘住所有可能松脱的环节,不怕慢就怕掉啊啊啊!
Valve cover拆卸及安装时一定不要使蛮力,最里端有个感应器要是掰断了可是300-400美刀一枚喔!



顺便说,如果有开BMW N62 V8引擎的网友需要此类帮助请悄悄话给我,别的没有注意事项还是有些心得。


1:喷油嘴阵列一定要拆,需要撬才能松动,汽油管路需要断开注意汽油外泄安全。安装时在橡胶密封O ring涂卸silicon paste以便坐实不损害O ring.

2: VC最里端的三个感应器,最值钱的那个eccentric shaft sensor拆装注意不要磕碰搞断,其余的那两个cam shaft sensor松螺丝旋转即可卸下,这能为下VC而不磕碰高值感应器争取1-2厘米的空间;因为太紧空间太窄无从下手仅松开VC就耗时1个多小时,担心破坏成真为了完美卸下VC又前后折腾了1个小时,这期间心理真的很挣扎,还在小板凳上又看了看上面视频的相关部分。

3:Up timing cover的最下面一颗螺栓藏在发电机后面,需要卸上松下两颗16mm螺栓将发电机顺时针转动10-20度才能显露那颗TC上的螺栓,螺栓千万千万不要掉落,否则有可能要卸发电机才能找到!

4:VC初始要用撬棍或长螺丝锥撬才能松开一个小缝隙,主要是里面的SP tube非常紧,需要向上20-30度成拧麻花的姿势才能完全分离,后端的那个400刀的感应器非常容易在不经意中搞断,要看着里面多次测试才能无损分离,安装同理!


6: 装发动机皮带一定要仔细确认是否对齐,底部较黑稍微不注意皮带会错齿牙。

7:Valvetronic servomotor,拆卸前做好对位记号,拆的时候一定要按住【会跳起来】逆时针转直至分离,安装时不知为何不需按压直接即可顺时针拧入,转了几圈按对位记号对好固定四颗螺丝,着车前一定初始化否则怠速会失常。



10:安装所有无法手拧的螺栓都使用masking tape粘接好以防掉了,找失落的螺栓比拆装还费时间而且心情会变得很差。


12:VCG 半月型及转角和SP tube两端均涂写耐高温耐油RTV。


来自战斗民族的 Relax n Fun:







我换过E90的,原因是油滴到排气管上味道很大,最搞笑的是 -bushihandyman- 给 bushihandyman 发送悄悄话 bushihandyman 的博客首页 (261 bytes) () 08/29/2018 postreply 16:17:00

8缸车那那儿都挤,要拆的杂七杂八太多,不过也算快完整了! :-) -5W40- 给 5W40 发送悄悄话 5W40 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2018 postreply 16:24:35

还是直列的发动机好修 -MoonRiverMe- 给 MoonRiverMe 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2018 postreply 16:34:33

这个”作案“有些难度,顶!学习了。 -man008- 给 man008 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2018 postreply 22:42:19

拆的后期也后悔过好几次,其实就是一个坎,细心加耐心坚持一下就过去了。:-) -5W40- 给 5W40 发送悄悄话 5W40 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2018 postreply 07:00:17

对于这种大拿级的水平,我只能五体投地。 -reader007- 给 reader007 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/31/2018 postreply 14:29:11

其实做好功课加点耐心,有基础保养能力的都能行的,万事头一次难而已。:-) -5W40- 给 5W40 发送悄悄话 5W40 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/31/2018 postreply 20:48:31

对你永遠 的崇拜 -motorcycle- 给 motorcycle 发送悄悄话 motorcycle 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2018 postreply 20:19:08

摩托哥谦虚了,都是来学习分享搞事情的! :-) -5W40- 给 5W40 发送悄悄话 5W40 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2018 postreply 09:03:20



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