AGM 电池充电profile与普通铅酸电池不同

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回答: 还不都是所谓"智能"惹的祸:-)))5W402015-02-11 09:55:17

每种电池充电的要求不同,主要在 bulk, absorption and floating电压,电流和时间上。AGM仍是铅酸电池但是封闭的 and electrolyte is held in the glass mats,好处是可任意位置安装(直立,倾斜或倒立)。不清楚BMW,其它公司default setting是普通铅酸电池。如果你用AGM电池,你要告诉电脑然后充电时就会以AGM所要求的profile充电。

to give you a high level concept about flooded (lead-acid), AMG and Gel, here is - flooded will have about 200 charge/discharge cycles, gel will have about 1000, AGM will have about 300. In the charge acceptance rate - flooded will be 25% of ah, gel will be 25% of ah and agm will be about 40% of ah. a flooded battery will self discharge at a rate of 6% per month if not on a charger, gel and agm will be about 3% per month. flooded vents hydrogen gas, gel and agm do not. price wise - a flooded dual-purpose battery will run about 120, a gel will run about 280 and an agm will run about 190. for longevity a gel cell is best, an agm is a good compromise between life span and safety. agm typically has a 18 month free replacement - 5 year pro-rated, gel - 18 month free, 5 year pro-rated; flooded - 12 month free, 3 years pro-rated.

above all, currently the best is lithium battery, an entirely different animal.


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