Now watch your language

来源: MoonRiverMe 2014-09-01 13:04:17 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (803 bytes)
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回答: MoonRiverMe,你给我出来穷则思变2014-09-01 11:28:24

what the frick do you want? What should be done, who to trust is up to your knowledge of car. Your problem is never my problem, the only reason of my helping you from the very beginning is because I always want to share my knowledge and experience with the one who asks for it. Helping others is my nature, to you was no exception, but it is no longer worthy to anyone like you who returns my my time,effort, favor and knowledge with rudeness,to say the least.

Do whatever you what, after all it is your problem, it's your car, not mine. Anyone like you is no longer worth helping.

It's even a waste of time to wish you luck.

It looks like that you don't even under stand what I said " if I were you" means. 


Hey, easy -穷则思变- 给 穷则思变 发送悄悄话 穷则思变 的博客首页 (341 bytes) () 09/01/2014 postreply 13:46:43

How polite this was:“你给我出来,” -MoonRiverMe- 给 MoonRiverMe 发送悄悄话 (562 bytes) () 09/02/2014 postreply 13:00:39
