Honest sharing!

来源: 影云 2013-05-02 09:19:05 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1037 bytes)
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回答: 美男子安德雷造像merleau2013-05-02 00:50:43

But I am always surprised by how much people care about
others’ opinions. If you enjoy it, then do it. Some suggestions about improving
skills are acceptable. But if you are concerned
too much about others’ comments, basically you have framed yourself and would
slowly lose the ability or the freedom, or the creativity to draw/paint.

Also, your words remind me of the Plato story I read yesterday.
People living in a cave and staring at the shining screen in it thought that the
shining screen was the reality. One person stepped out of cave and was shocked by
what he saw outside. He returned and told people inside that there was a world
outside. People laughed at him and told him that what he saw was just a dream.

Myopia or narrow-mindedness is something deadly in art


他人的议论。。呵呵,我先前有点好奇这里的人怎么看我的画,发现很多人不会欣赏,因为基本出发点不同; -merleau- 给 merleau 发送悄悄话 (84 bytes) () 05/03/2013 postreply 17:01:44



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