actually I think the fight will probably continue

来源: demux 2018-04-09 20:46:29 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (358 bytes)

If I was Xi, I will let the fight (with US) continue, because worst case for US is that Chinese economy is only closed on US. I guess no single US company can afford that. Now it's the negociating time.

Only bad thing for me is that I will have to close my TSLA short tomorrow now, well, still is/was a great short for me so far.


话可以说得漂亮些,具体在实施上,轻重缓急完全在国人的掌控之中。 -五谷不分- 给 五谷不分 发送悄悄话 五谷不分 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/09/2018 postreply 20:48:49

哪家券商借到的TSLA? Tried to short that thing three times. But all orde -慢牛快熊- 给 慢牛快熊 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/09/2018 postreply 21:08:13

fidelity -demux- 给 demux 发送悄悄话 (84 bytes) () 04/09/2018 postreply 21:25:09



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