
来源: 偶尔贴贴 2012-07-27 09:46:27 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5232 bytes)
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瑞典Gothia足球杯,70多个国家1600多支队参加。Dennis的队所在的16岁年龄组有40多个国家的340多个队参加。 意大利SanMarino足球杯,15个国家的65个球队参加。Dennis的队被编到17岁年龄组(大踢咱小,我靠)。 总的来说,咱这队,球不一流,但玩的一流,哈。 不过,还是赢了东道主瑞典的一个队(2:0),赢了马来西亚全国少年足球俱乐部冠军队(3:1),还绝对自豪地赢了巴西的一个队(5:3)。 输得多,德国队,意大利队,巴西另两支队,和罗马尼亚队。 这是Dennis从瑞典blog的感受: Cumulative Match Blog: Italy, Sweden Murky clouds roll over the sky, blanketing the sun with shaows. Puddles on the sidewalk reveal tell-tale signs of previous rain. --Gothenberg, Sweden Brilliant blue fills the sky, allowing the sun's rays to penetrate into the air. Sweat drips like faucets from those merely walking on the streets. --Rimini, Italy Apparently, the vastly contrasting weathers of Sweden and Italy also applies to our ability to play soccer. In Italy, letting in fifteen goals, scoring none, and losing four straight games was nothing less than a major disappointment, not only because of the humiliating defeats suffered by the players and coaches, but also because of the blow to the team's self-esteem and mental/emotional stability. The seemingly endless heat had lead us to seemingly endless defeats. By the time the sky had been blanketed by the shadows of the sun, our losing streak had ended. The first game in Seattle-like weather gave way to our first win in Europe, an exceptionally satisfying sigh of relief as our team got back on track. We later played tough losing games against Brazil and Germany that could have gone either way, being only 2-0 and 1-0 respectively. In our first playoff game in the B bracket, we won our first game against Brazil in PKs of a 2-2 game. Angel's last shot in the second half allowed for the strongest comeback Velocity has ever witnessed. The Malaysians in the second match proved to have superior ball control and shot opportunities, and although our defense was strong, it was apparent that the Malaysians played the better game. We were somewhat lucky that the halves were only 25 minutes, allowing us to win in PKs. The third game against another Brazilian team was rough; the referees barely called any of the fouls, and when they started to attempt to control the game, the Brazilians were up 3-0. Although we lost that round, it was the best Gothia Cup run that Currin had ever had. All while under the familiarity of Seattle weather. The amazing run of three play-off games (and also the not-so-amazing run of four straight losses) has allowed our team to grow in ways not possible in the states. I can imagine (oh so easily) going back to our regular select soccer league, playing Washington teams, and stepping on them like the first Swedish team we played. Reflecting on the soccer matches and team activities, I can see how our team has grown mentally, physically, and emotionally. Dennis Ling #13 1. 瑞典Gothia杯开幕式
2. 赢一支瑞典队 2:0

3. 赢一支巴西队 5:3。不易,大家都很激动。

4. 赢了马来西亚少年俱乐部冠军队(3:1)

5. 输给另一支巴西队

6. 输德国队

7. 输罗马尼亚队

8. 输意大利队
Dennis 带球过两人后被意大利后卫从后面铲倒受伤下场。


呵呵,看来意大利大人小孩队都爱耍赖. -刀爷爷- 给 刀爷爷 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/27/2012 postreply 09:54:00

久不见,问刀爷好 -偶尔贴贴- 给 偶尔贴贴 发送悄悄话 偶尔贴贴 的博客首页 (92 bytes) () 07/27/2012 postreply 10:06:59

踢出国门!这是最开心的tour。 -jzz- 给 jzz 发送悄悄话 jzz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/27/2012 postreply 10:12:27

hey, JBan,感谢你为大家服务哈。 -偶尔贴贴- 给 偶尔贴贴 发送悄悄话 偶尔贴贴 的博客首页 (67 bytes) () 07/27/2012 postreply 10:24:27

好玩,难得经验 -车头- 给 车头 发送悄悄话 车头 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/27/2012 postreply 19:41:02

Dennis神勇!加油! -点线面- 给 点线面 发送悄悄话 点线面 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/27/2012 postreply 21:00:06

Dennis已是大小伙了! -云海飞雨- 给 云海飞雨 发送悄悄话 云海飞雨 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/28/2012 postreply 21:53:55



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