回复:is this legal? more details

来源: 單身老貓 2011-10-12 18:20:46 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1406 bytes)
回答: is this legal? more details李狗妈妈2011-10-12 17:40:19

這是 北卡的相關資料

What is the legal age when a child may be left home alone? Although there is no age specified in juvenile code that addresses the age a child may be left home alone, North Carolina fire code (G.S. § 14-318) states that a child under the age of eight shall not be left alone without appropriate supervision due to the risk of danger by fire. Parents and caretakers must look at the child's maturity, the safety of the community, and access to emergency assistance. A child may be mature enough to stay alone, but not to care for younger siblings. If you are concerned that a child is left alone and is unsafe, call your county department of social services

所以技術上您可以讓您的孩子自行在家到明年高中畢業,然而您應該考慮在當地找朋友或是鄰居做他的 legal guardian,所以他不能在您不在當地的時候出太多花樣. 同時在緊急時能代您簽署任何必要的文件.







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