没有哪个大学不开设入门entry level物理的

来源: wzg69 2019-08-27 21:50:35 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1429 bytes)
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S单独搞个UDM 物理,就是走捷径。绝对不可能让UDM读完后,再回来读普通毕业要求的物理。否则打死UDM也不会上单独开的物理课了。



  • the "teen" series:  for the humanities or social science student who wishes to become familiar with the content and methodology of modern physics 完全没学过物理
  • the "20" series: an algebra-based sequence for life science and pre-medical students 这是AP物理 1&2 level的
  • the "40" series:  a calculus-based sequence for most physical science and engineering students 这是AP物理 C level的
  • the "60" series:  for students with signifigant preparation in physics and calculus

如果还需要搞UDM 物理,不知道是不是幼儿园水平

Image result for Quantum Physics for Babies

