
来源: South_CA_dad 2019-02-18 18:10:48 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (576 bytes)
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回答: CS专业排名的前10和前20差别大吗?annabell2019-02-17 21:39:52

For example, Georgia Tech CS is so much stronger than Yale CS, but most students probably would pick Yale if admitted to both schools, unless for financial reasons (e.g. Georgia in state).

On the other hand, a strong student who is absolutely sure about majoring in CS will probably not even apply to Yale (but may apply to other top schools with strong CS majors, e.g. Stanford, MIT).

Please note that US News only has graduate level ranking for CS . Their undergraduate ranking is on Computer Engineering, which is not exactly CS.
