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Hello every one,

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MYSJ’s hobby show and award gala. It is my pleasure to be today’s MC. Reading all the posts, oh, boy, I am amazed by the variety of hobbies presented here! Even more impressive and stunning is how talented the people are. Your souls are so beautiful and interesting! It is such an eye-opener for me and I thank you for taking me on this journey to Neverland! I hope you enjoy the award and hey everybody, let’s have fun! I know it is a bit late, but I would like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!

Oh, one more thing I would like to share with you. There will be a rose teddy bear made of 999 roses as Valentine's Day and CNY gift for everyone. This is a token of appreciation from MYSJ for your participation. Alrighty, I have been talking too much, now, show time!

--- 树的花花世界   




【01】【HobbyShow】my another hobby - singing - moiausis

【02】【HobbyShow】Poetry Reading - 影云

【03】【HobbyShow】Wire Wrapping - 甜虫虫

【04】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494

【05】【HobbyShow】Vintage restoration - 移花接木

【06】【HobbyShow】Karaoke: Love tried to welcome me - 俏君

【07】【HobbyShow】HobbyShow? talkshow :) - Heraclius



【09】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind

【10】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang

【11】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木

【12】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494

【13】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古

【14】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius

【15】【E外桃源】The Grand Canyon (双语) - LYJiang

【16】【HobbyShow】--Travelling --My furthest steps in Canada - woodwishper

【17】【HobbyShow】---woodwork--Mortise and tenon structured square cherry kitchen dough table - woodwishper

【18】【HobbyShow】 The joy of setting a table - just_4_fun

【19】【HobbyShow】Making Mini Model Houses - 东南西北妈

【20】【HobbyShow】 Royal Doulton bone china & porcelain collection - 移花接木

【21】【HobbyShow】 dubbing 给大家拜年!!牛年大吉!! - moiausis

【22】【HobbyShow】 -- read it when you are hungry - 树的花花世界

【23】【HobbyShow】the joy of singing “And I love you so “ 给美坛的朋友们拜年! - 才歌

【24】【HobbyShow】 Happy Valentine's Day - 【 The Rose 】 - 沿途美景

【25】【HobbyShow】Guitar solo:" Snowing Valentine's Day" - 欲借嵯峨

【26】【HobbyShow】Dreaming 动漫配音《我喜欢你》 Happy V day! - beautifulwind

【27】【HobbyShow】R. W. 爱迪生《紫杜鹃》现代诗歌体中文版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【HobbyShow】We'll sing together until we are old—《Over and over》 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【29】【HobbyShow】Introducing " movie story teller"- "清风送影“ - danren

【30】【HobbyShow】My world of flowers - 天边一片白云