How to Get Into Harvard ... The Most of top 50s are Private Sch

High Schools
How the Schools Stack Up

Weekend Journal looked at the freshman classes at eight top colleges -- Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Williams, Pomona, Swarthmore, the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins -- and compiled a list of the students' high-school alma maters. The survey ranked the high schools based on the number of students sent to those eight colleges, divided by the high school's number of graduates in 2007, limiting the scope to schools that had senior classes of at least 50 (see below). The "success rate" column represents the percentage of students in each high-school's graduating class that attended one of our chosen colleges. (See related story.) —Compiled by Ellen Gamerman, Juliet Chung, SungHa Park and Candace Jackson
Collegiate School New York N.Y. 50 13 26.0% 29,100 Just over 600 boys make up the student body from Kindergarten through 12th grade at this small private school.
Brearley School New York N.Y. 51 12 23.5% 31,300 The all-girls school says on its Web site that it sent a total of 93 kids to the Ivy League in the last five years.
Chapin School New York N.Y. 58 13 22.4% 29,100 Kindergartners at this all-girls school learn creative writing; third-graders study yoga.
Polytechnic School Pasadena Calif. 87 17 19.5% 23,750 School sent 9 kids to Stanford last year, more than to any other college.
University of Chicago Lab Schools Chicago Ill. 113 22 19.5% 20,445 College counseling office recently hired a former University of Chicago admissions officer.
College Preparatory School Oakland Calif. 86 15 17.4% 26,850 School's director of college counseling worked in the University of Pennsylvania admissions office for eight years.
Trinity School New York N.Y. 116 20 17.2% 30,120 School will celebrate its 300th birthday next year.
Phillips Academy Andover Mass. 327 52 15.9% 29,000* School says that about 10% of its students are from outside the U.S. and 35% are students of color.
Delbarton School Morristown N.J. 116 18 15.5% 23,600 Independent school for boys is led by an order of Benedictine monks; about 30% of students are non-Catholic.
Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter N.H. 317 47 14.8% 28,200* This year Exeter announced it will waive tuition for students whose family income is under $75,000.
Milton Academy Milton Mass. 184 27 14.7% 31,175* School requires seniors to take a course on transition to adult life. Students do mock college interviews
Groton School Groton Mass. 83 12 14.5% 31,530* Students are required to write two college essays summer before senior year, which are critiqued by faculty.
Daewon Foreign Language High School Seoul South Korea 78 11 14.1% 05,000 School is divided into two separate programs; one for students planning to attend university in South Korea, the other for those bound for U.S. colleges. Our class-size figure reflects the U.S.-bound track
Lawrenceville School Lawrenceville N.J. 239 33 13.8% 32,110* School sent 16 kids to Princeton last year; since 2003, it says it has sent 59 students there.
Kent Place School Summit N.J. 59 8 13.6% 26,818 Director of college advising worked in undergraduate admissions at Columbia and Georgetown universities.
Hunter College High School New York N.Y. 177 24 13.6% 0 The public school, administered by Hunter College, limits 7th grade applicants to kids who scored at least 90% in reading and math on standardized tests.
Rivers School Weston Mass. 74 10 13.5% 30,500 Applications to Rivers increased 20% over the past year, and ninth grade applications rose 27%, school says.
Saint Ann's School Brooklyn N.Y. 76 10 13.2% 25,500 School has an arts-centered approach; poetry teacher starts working with kids as young as 5.
San Francisco University High School San Francisco Calif. 92 12 13.0% 28,725 Last year's seniors scored about 10% higher on SATs than previous class, says director of college counseling.
Menlo School Atherton Calif. 139 18 12.9% 29,400 School offers a program that pairs kids with parents to discuss college, careers and community service.
St. Paul's School Concord N.H. 150 19 12.7% 39,300 The boarding-only school now offers a "gut check" for seniors, with faculty reading college essays in three minutes, as a college admissions officer might.
Harker School San Jose Calif. 167 20 12.0% 29,894 Five studentsfrom Harker were selected as a youth delegation to the G8 conference in Germany this year.
John Burroughs School St. Louis Mo. 97 11 11.3% 18,575 School has one of the lowest tuitions of the U.S. private schools in our study. Midwestern schools generally cost less than those on the coasts.
Rye Country Day School Rye N.Y. 92 10 10.9% 27,500 (11-12th grades) School says that since 1996, 97% of kids taking the Advanced Placement BC Calculus course received perfect scores on the AP exam.
Korean Minjok Leadership Academy Gangwon Province South Korea 133 14 10.5% 16,000 School in South Korea's Gangwon-do province requires students to speak only English for many classes.
Buckingham Browne & Nichols Cambridge Mass. 115 12 10.4% 31,440 School opened $26 million visual and performing arts center this year.
Princeton High School Princeton N.J. 299 31 10.4% 0 This year, school sent 19 kids to Princeton University, which is across the street from the high school.
Ramaz Upper School New York N.Y. 100 10 10.0% 20,000 Many students at the Jewish day school spend a year in Israel before college, which the school says may affect its numbers in our survey.
Stuyvesant High School New York N.Y. 674 67 9.9% 0 Selective public high school specializing in math and science says it sent 17 kids to Harvard last year.
Head-Royce School Oakland Calif. 81 8 9.9% 25,590 School opened a new building devoted to world languages this year, and recently added Mandarin classes
Regis High School New York N.Y. 125 12 9.6% 0 Tuition-free Catholic boys school says it drew more than 2,300 prospective students to recent open houses
Blake School Minneapolis Minn. 127 12 9.4% 19,900 Minnesota school has both alpine and nordic skiing teams.
Illinois Mathematics And Science Academy Aurora Ill. 203 19 9.4% 0 School requires kids to participate in an "intersession" in January, a break from regular studies with courses like "Exploring the Meaning of Life: Why It All Matters."
Hotchkiss School Lakeville Conn. 172 16 9.3% 32,400* New headmaster is a former head of schools in Botswana and Wales.
Bishop's School La Jolla Calif. 120 11 9.2% 24,400 A Bishop's graduate won the Olympic trials in laser sailing-competing in a small single-handed boat-and will participate in the Olympics in China next year.
Thomas Jefferson High School For Science And Technology Alexandria Va. 428 39 9.1% 0 Competitive magnet school for science-minded kids sent 13 students to MIT this year.
Lakeside School Seattle Wash. 132 12 9.1% 22,160 Students can't graduate without at least 80 hours of community service and a weeklong outdoor program.
Deerfield Academy Deerfield Mass. 188 17 9.0% 27,642* School asks parents to submit anecdotes about their kids to inform college counselors' recommendation letters.
St. John's School Houston Texas 122 11 9.0% 16,825 Students can take educational summer trips with faculty to places like Indian monasteries or the French Alps.
Boston Latin School Boston Mass. 381 33 8.7% 0 The school, founded in 1635, sent 25 kids to Harvard--more than any other high school on our list.
Sidwell Friends School Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 118 10 8.5% 27,790

Li Po Chun United World College Hong Kong China 121 10 8.3% N/A

Choate Rosemary Hall Wallingford Conn. 230 19 8.3% 29,260

Dalton School New York N.Y. 112 9 8.0% 31,200

Horace Mann School Riverdale N.Y. 177 14 7.9% 30,830

Bard High School Early College New York N.Y. 128 10 7.8% 0

Northside College Preparatory High School Chicago Ill. 244 19 7.8% 0

Westminster Schools Atlanta Ga. 184 14 7.6% 18,000, according to Web site

Taft School Watertown Conn. 160 12 7.5% 29,000*

United World College of the Atlantic South Wales U.K. 167 12 7.2% 37,000

Hopkins School New Haven Conn. 126 9 7.1% 27,050

International Academy Bloomfield Hills Mich. 133 9 6.8% 0

Cranbrook Kingswood School Bloomfield Hills Mich. 196 13 6.6% 23,900*

Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Baltimore Md. 232 15 6.5% 0

Harvard-Westlake School North Hollywood Calif. 287 18 6.3% 25,000

Mary Institute And St. Louis Country Day School St. Louis Mo. 145 9 6.2% 18,690

Loomis Chaffee School Windsor Conn. 194 10 5.2% 29,500*

Kent School Kent Conn. 158 8 5.1% 31,300*, according to Web site

Iolani School Honolulu Hawaii 227 10 4.4% 14,000

Taipei American School Taipei Taiwan 210 9 4.3% 13,460, according to Web site

Belmont High School Belmont Mass. 282 12 4.3% 0

Scarsdale High School Scarsdale N.Y. 360 15 4.2% 0

North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Durham N.C. 309 11 3.6% 0

New Canaan High School New Canaan Conn. 286 10 3.5% 0

Lower Merion High School Ardmore Penn. 418 14 3.3% 0

* denotes tuition for day students at schools that also have boarders.

Behind the Numbers:

Our survey looked at enrolled students, not the number of students accepted. In some cases, college admissions offices shared the list of high schools for their freshman classes. In others, we looked at the printed "facebooks" distributed by colleges, which were either loaned to us or purchased on our behalf by students or alumni.

We worked with high schools and colleges to verify our numbers, which sometimes differed when students had been accepted to college but deferred enrollment for a year or when college facebooks offered incomplete information. In cases where the high school and college's numbers diverged, we worked with both to try to resolve the discrepancy.

We relied only on official school information, not outside sources such as We omitted some universities that otherwise would have met our criteria because they either didn't print facebooks or those facebooks didn't list high-school alma maters, and the colleges wouldn't supply the data on their students independently.

Of course, college placement is only one measure of a high school's success, and varies from year to year. Many high schools emphasized to us that they strive to find the right match for each student, not the college with the most cachet.


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