到底是日式,韩式, 还是中式?

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Toilet Theme Park Opened In Korea, 2012,

Toilet Theme Park Opened In Korea, There is a Rational Explanation for This  | SoraNews24 -Japan News-Kindergarden children look at a statue of a Korean boy responding to the call of nature at the Toilet Culture Park in Suwon.Kindergarden children look at a statue of a man responding to the call of nature at the Toilet Culture Park in Suwon.Bronze Statues in "Toilet Culture Park" - Suwon, South Korea : WTF

Toilet Theme Park Opened In Korea,

Japan-Public-Indoor-Toilet-1 | Feeling


东亚国家其实都差不多。日韩故意和中国拉远距离。但是其实原生态都接近,并没有那么大的差异。 -Windy2009- 给 Windy2009 发送悄悄话 Windy2009 的博客首页 (423 bytes) () 01/12/2021 postreply 06:09:57

日本和中国反的?没注意过 -外乡人- 给 外乡人 发送悄悄话 外乡人 的博客首页 (35 bytes) () 01/12/2021 postreply 07:12:44
