
Hubby is away for a week. 

Just came back from dinner with friends. Drinking beer and whisky. We got wasted. Too bad it's school night and had to wrap it up before mid night. Having a little buzz now. Life is good... 


me! -prettysundress- 给 prettysundress 发送悄悄话 prettysundress 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2011 postreply 23:25:59

没孩子的时候, 我也觉得老公偶尔出差很好。 -小葡萄妈妈- 给 小葡萄妈妈 发送悄悄话 小葡萄妈妈 的博客首页 (48 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 05:34:57

能不能把尾巴坎了 -煎荷包蛋- 给 煎荷包蛋 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 05:59:57

你是男是女呢? -黑白黑白- 给 黑白黑白 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 06:31:37

进入平淡期了?可以考虑出下轨。。。:) -Hotsocks- 给 Hotsocks 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 06:35:38

我在悄悄期盼五月中的公差,那边的同事已经安排好了dinners + happy hours. :) -臭臭妈妈- 给 臭臭妈妈 发送悄悄话 臭臭妈妈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 08:11:55

悄悄期盼? should be 大胆期盼..haha..! -Q_Bao- 给 Q_Bao 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 10:00:20

哈,俺是享受俺自己出差的时光,没有孩子和老公,简直就是度假! -知福惜福- 给 知福惜福 发送悄悄话 知福惜福 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2011 postreply 08:42:09
