昨晚他来过电话。今天又收到他的e-card 说(I love you). 今晚他还会再来电话。我也不忍心不理他。刚收得到一个本地朋友的来信如下:

The ball is now in XXX’s court. You have explained to him that you are interested in pursuing a relationship that at least has the potential of resulting in marriage. That does not mean that XXX has to decide at this relatively early date that he must marry you. But it does mean that he must admit that he is either pursuing a relationship with marriage as the ultimate goal, or is just reliving his teenage years and playing the field. From all that you have told me, you have not demanded from him a promise to marry you. All that you have asked him is what are his ultimate intentions. And from the sounds of it, he would seem to be a player. He is content to have a beautiful woman on his arm, to show to his friends, family and colleagues, and to have a companion for dinner, vacations, and perhaps also for his physical satisfaction.

Your relationship with XXX is at a critical juncture, occasioned by the unresolved and uncertain future of your relationship. His e-card response as a protestation of love is a pretty lame gesture. I'm hoping that in his conversation with you this evening is more demonstrative and more convincing.

…. More and more, it sounds like you need to make the best of a bad situation and cut him loose. You are far too good a woman to waste on someone - especially a highly placed business executive - who won't make a decision.

I know that that sounds cold, but he's stringing you along, and if you let him, you'll find yourself in this exact same position five years from now.


还犹豫什么,if you can't change him, you must change yourself, or go a -Xingfujiaren- 给 Xingfujiaren 发送悄悄话 Xingfujiaren 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2010 postreply 18:48:14

很成熟到位的点评. -julie116- 给 julie116 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2010 postreply 22:45:38

听完晚上的电话就做决定吧, -八音涧- 给 八音涧 发送悄悄话 (92 bytes) () 06/01/2010 postreply 08:41:18

He got nothing to lose, but you will waste your time, and we all -袖底香- 给 袖底香 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/01/2010 postreply 21:45:52
