文章来源: 天玉之2020-10-10 15:13:08

今天早上参加了芝加哥马拉松,virtual experience, 跑了半马,13.1 miles, 两个小时二十六分钟完成,破了自己的5K和10K 记录 (34 minutes vs. 1:08:00),挺高兴。十二月将参加 St Jude Marathon, 跑半马,为他们的儿童癌症患者和研究募捐。

庚子年多事,祸不单行,but we have the courage to look at the virus in the eye and defeat it with the strength of human mind and perseverance, that is exactly what the marathon is about, the positive human spirit in face of adversity. 



今晨天气很好,边跑边欣赏秋景,日出,很是享受,与你们分享些照片 ~~
它提醒我 在这个世界存在的每一天
                         ________ 天玉之
七点多钟的时候, 太阳升起来了, 整个世界变得暖和起来,充满了希望 
马拉松的gears, 那些小袋袋是我的干粮 ~
虽然没有破自己的半马记录 (2:08:00),但对这个还是很满意, 那是九年前的记录。这次训练的时间比较短,三个月。
VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. It is generally considered the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. 男女标准不一样,你可以测测你的,网上有表查。
post race stretch, 必须的
天气那么好,跑完自己在湖边had a picnic, the quietest post race party I have ever had ~
也不总是汗津津的 ~~
My marathon running playlist:
Apollo road by ATB, Waiting with Dash Berlin, Ecstasy Morten Granau remix, Concrete Angel Christina Novelli, Waiting, original, Open your eyes by Aurosonic, Take me away by 4 strings, Titanium, Lay all your love on me, Heroes, Viva La Vida, Faded, Dreams by the Craberries, On a good day...
Strongly recommend Garmin 645 Music and Spotify, which makes running so enjoyable ~