弹假书 练真功 (第2 of 13 章小结)
文章来源: 老地雷2022-02-02 18:38:33

弹假书 练真功 (第2 of 13 章小结)








参考书(英文)How to play from a fake book (Keyboard edition) (Faking your own arrangement from melodies and chords) BY Blake Neely . 

The goal of this book: Crack the mysteries of a fake book by learning about chords, 

inversions, scales, left-hand patterns, and much more. 


第2章Playing some major chords

学习术语:和弦(Chords),三和弦(Triads),大三和弦 (Major chords)









            The Bear Went Over the Mountain

            The Yellow Rose of Texas

            Simple Gifts

            Battle Hymn of the Republic

            Oh, Susannah

            Camptown Races


第3章预告 New Positions 

            学习术语:第一转位 (First Inversion)第二转位 (Second Inversions)


            Common tone voicing 

            Close tone voicing 



每周三和周六6PM(PST)在油管https://www.youtube.com/c/LenachenUSA 频道更新。中文解说,中英文字幕,每首歌有两个视频,一个是讲解+示范视频,另一个是示范视频。每一个示范有两种,分别是book version & my version.  看假书,弹真琴,练神功,学E歌!Have fun!!!