文章来源: 阿留2017-02-17 20:00:08



"By a slim 45-42 percent margin, more voters say they trust the Trump administration to “tell the public the truth” than the reporters who cover the White House.  Ten percent say neither"

"Some 68 percent think the press has been “tougher” on Trump than Obama.  That’s more than three times the number who think reporters are giving him an “easier” time (18 percent).  Another 12 percent see treatment of the two as the same. "

老船实在是把MSM玩得不轻,自己也过足了瘾。别为他担心——他就是这样的人,喜欢这样的玩法。历史频道他的熟人评论他"needs media attention just like you and I need air and water",从年轻时就是这样。
