老船会见女CEO们——小土豆也在座 :)
文章来源: 阿留2017-02-13 13:42:40

“We need policies to keep women in the work force, and to address the unique barriers faced by female entreprenuers--and they are unique. We need to make it easier for women to manage the demands of having both a job and a family. We also need to help women entreprenuers to get access to capital... it is particularly difficult for women"

大家知道么?老船的祖母,就是一位女CEO---She founded the real estate development company Elizabeth Trump & Son with her son Fred.[1]  她的丈夫1918年去世,当时川爸Fred还没成年(13岁),这位strong woman不但撑起了这个企业,还把两个儿子一个培养成亿万富翁,一个培养成麻省理工的教授、院士、National Science Medal获得者。老船说“A good woman is better than 10 good men",此言不虚。