文章来源: TJKCB2018-03-09 09:46:39


新闻:麻省理工媒体实验室的研究人员梳理了11年的推文,看到约300,000人在推文上发表了约126,000篇新闻。他们发现,假新闻比新闻传播/错误的政治新闻传播得尤其更加广泛。人类是最糟糕的:人类在社交媒体上传播假消息比机器人更容易犯错。如何阻止在线错误信息流。张郎同学原则: "不确为真就是假,不转,不说,不评!" 苏士同学说: "传假消息与谣言同罪”。

MIT Scientific evidence of 11 years, shows that fake news travel faster than the truth!

Fake news spreads faster than the truth, and it's all our fault - MIT ...
22 hours ago - The news: MIT Media Lab researchers combed through 11 years of tweets, looking at roughly 126,000 stories tweeted by three million people, to figure out how news spreads. They found that fake news about all kinds of topics travels farther and faster than news that is accurate, but false political news spreads particularly far and wide.

Humans are the worst: The researchers found that robots spread accurate news at the same rate as the fake stuff. That makes them think humans are the reason misinformation gets around more than accurate news.

Why it matters: Social networks are desperately trying to clean up their acts to deal with persistent problems like fake news. (Twitter, in fact, is soliciting proposals to gauge the conversational “health” on its network.) These new results could be helpful in figuring out how to stanch the flow of misinformation online.
Humans are far more at fault than bots for spreading fake news on social media, according to a new study.